The managing partner Anton Fürmetz jun. is enthusiastic about the cooperation with Krone: "The whole package simply fits here: The price-performance ratio at Krone is top. In addition, there is the very personal and relaxed, yet always professional, way of dealing with the salesperson." The transport and logistics company, founded in 1948, works mainly for the building materials and beverage industries. With around 400 employees, the fast-growing family business in its third generation generates a total turnover of around 60 million euros. Starting with just under 50 trucks in the mid-2010s, the fleet passed the 200 mark the year before last and currently comprises over 245 tractor units as well as trailers and semi-trailers.
At the end of 2021, Fürmetz Logistik moved into a 36,000 m2 new building, which, in addition to offices, also includes a public free service station with shop and bistro, a self-service car wash, a gantry car wash and e-charging columns, and is equipped with photovoltaic systems on buildings and warehouses. The Fürmetz commercial vehicle and automotive workshop is also located here, which acts as a public and independent workshop in addition to work for its own fleet.
The logistics company has already ordered 20 more vehicles for 2023. Krone Regional Sales Manager Johannes Bründl is looking forward to further cooperation with the innovative family-owned company: "Fürmetz Logistik is not only expanding Krone's own vehicle fleet, but will also consolidate the Krone service network in Bavaria in the future as a contractual partner."
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