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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
24 Ağustos 2023 Perşembe - 11:36

19 Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV to Upgrade Transdev Blazefield’s Iconic Route 36

Alexander Dennis, a subsidiary of NFI Group Inc., one of the world’s leading independent global bus manufacturers, today announced that Transdev Blazefield has ordered 19 next-generation Alexander Dennis battery-electric double deck buses forThe Harrogate Bus Company.

19 Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV to Upgrade Transdev Blazefield’s Iconic Route 36

The new Alexander Dennis Enviro400EV are part-funded by the UK Government’s Zero Emission Bus Regional Areas (ZEBRA) schemefollowing a successful bid by Transdev’s partner, North Yorkshire Council.

They will enter service in spring 2024 on route 36, connecting Ripon, Harrogate and Leeds. The new Enviro400EV will continue this service’s tradition of pioneering innovation with their zero-emission credentials and a bespoke specification designed to further enhance customers’ journey experience.

Transdev Blazefield Managing Director Henri Rohard said: “We’re delighted to launch our depot and bus electrification project. It is an important evolution in the quality and sustainability of our network in and around our home town of Harrogate. The project has been made possible thanks to the significant support from the Government’s ZEBRA fund.

“Higher power output delivered by today’s new generation batteries means each bus can go further between charge-ups – and to make sure we provide a reliable service, our buses will also have top-up charges at Harrogate Bus Station, as they will travel further in a day than the maximum range achievable by fully electric buses.”

The Enviro400EV for Transdev Blazefield are fitted with roof-mounted charging rails that allow their future-proof 472kWh Alexander Dennis battery system to be topped up from pantographs installed at the bus station. The buses will also benefit from the power reserves of the heavy-duty version of the Voith Electrical Drive System when running at higher speeds on the interurban stretches of the route.

Alexander Dennis National Sales Manager Marie Connell said: “We’re thrilled to be a part of Transdev Blazefield’s electrification project with this order for our next-generation Enviro400EV zero-emission double decker. Yorkshire’s iconic route 36will once again be setting standards with a stunning new fleet of electric buses.

“Transdev will benefit from whole-vehicle AD24 aftermarket support including spare parts, mobile technicians and our Training Academy. We’re further enhancing this with the introduction of fully digital manuals which will transform the way Transdev’s team members will be able to access expert information on their new fleet.”


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