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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
26 Kasım 2019 Salı - 16:14

45 Krone Units For RTS Transport Service GmbH

RTS Transport Service GmbH from Dassendorf has now invested in 45 new Krone units. For a symbolic handover of 40 turntable box carriers, two swap units and three central axle box carriers Mr. Jürgen Klein, managing director of RTS Transport Service GmbH, came to Werlte and took the opportunity of getting a detailed factory visit.

45 Krone Units For RTS Transport Service GmbH

 “Due to the very good vehicle quality, we have repeatedly opted for Krone since the company was founded in 1997; in the meantime, the Krone share of our vehicle fleet is around 95 percent“, says Jürgen Klein. Holger Struck also emphasized the exemplary cooperation with Krone: "We always use the latest technology, because we do not see ourselves as a classic freight forwarder, but as a service provider in the logistics industry. In addition, in Patric Niemann we have a competent and reliable contact partner, which is next to quality, another strong argument for our many years of brand loyalty."

Krone Managing Director Dr. Frank Albers thanked RTS Transport Service GmbH on behalf of the entire Krone team for the renewed order and the prounounced loyality. „The philosophy of RTS is: "Who stops getting better, stops being good“ and “Nothing is impossible“. RTS has a solution to all transport tasks“. We also act according to this maxim at Krone and thus develop – in close dialogue with our customers – practical vehicles and services, from telematics to financing to tailor-made service packaging.


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