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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
25 Ekim 2019 Cuma - 09:16

Schaeffler Developing Asia as Innovation Hub For Future Mobility

As a system partner for the automotive industry, Schaeffler Group is stepping up to the challenge to enable the mobility sector to achieve a significant reduction in its CO2 emissions by 2050. Under the motto “Making Mobility Sustainable and Autonomous” at the 46th Tokyo Motor Show the company will answer the question of how sustainable mobility can be innovatively designed.

Schaeffler Developing Asia as Innovation Hub For Future Mobility

As a system partner for the automotive industry, Schaeffler Group is stepping up to the challenge to enable the mobility sector to achieve a significant reduction in its CO2 emissions by 2050. Under the motto “Making Mobility Sustainable and Autonomous” at the 46th Tokyo Motor Show the company will answer the question of how sustainable mobility can be innovatively designed. “We see the current mobility transformation as an opportunity to use our expertise in drivetrain and chassis technology to innovatively shape tomorrow’s sustainable mobility sector,” said Schaeffler AG Chief Executive Officer Klaus Rosenfeld. The company is showcasing its integrated perspective on the entire mobility-sector energy chain and profile its innovative system solutions. For the first time in Asia, the company will present its own Schaeffler electric motors in power classes from 15 to over 300 kW, as well as key components for the fuel cell. Bipolar plates are produced by precise forming and coating in the thin-layer range, which once stacked form the core of the fuel cell system. Other highlights include the Schaeffler Intelligent Corner Module with its 90-degree steering angle, drive-by-wire as a key enabling technology for self-driving cars and the Schaeffler Mover as a new mobility concept for urban spaces.

Schaeffler developing Asia as innovation hub for future mobility

Asia is a living lab for innovation in future mobility solutions and the region, including Japan, plays key role in Schaeffler’s research and development activities. In 2019, Schaeffler hosted the first “Technology Partnering Asia Pacific” event at its regional R&D hub in Yokohama. At its urban mobility research hub in Singapore, the company is engaged in development and testing of advanced mobility solutions and software in partnership with start-ups. “Strategic partnerships and co-creation are key for success in this era of disruption and transformation in the mobility sector. We have steadily grown our R&D capabilities in Asia to be stronger development partners for our customers,” said Dharmesh Arora, who recently took over as the new Chief Executive Officer for Asia/Pacific. As it establishes the future management team for the region, Schaeffler introduced other leadership changes in Asia/Pacific and Japan. Shoichi Tanaka has assumed the role of Managing Director and Representative Director for Schaeffler Japan from October 1, 2019. The company also announced the new Chief Technology Officer for Asia Pacific, Tomohiro Yamashita, who will assume this role from January 1, 2020 based in Yokohama.

The Schaeffler Mover as a new mobility concept for urban spaces.

Schaeffler’s strategy for helping to reduce global CO2 is based on a holistic view of the entire energy chain.

Stacked bipolar plates form the core of the fuel cell system.

Toyota, CaetanoBus SA ile Birlikte Yakıt Hücreli Yeni Şehir Otobüsünü Üretmek Adına İlk Adımı Attı
Doğuş Otomotiv Yönetimi Scania'yı Ziyaret Etti
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