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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
4 Aralık 2023 Pazartesi - 10:51

Be The Change With Iveco 2024, New Vehicle Launch Was Held In Barcelona

IVECO introduced its entire renewed product range and services to its customers, dealers, partners and international press with the launch held in Barcelona, Spain.

Be The Change With Iveco 2024, New Vehicle Launch Was Held In Barcelona

At the event held with the theme "BE THE CHANGE", IVECO invited 'Join IVECO to embrace change against the challenges of the future'. The brand, which has devoted its energy and resources to predicting the rapid development of the market in the last four years, has made investments to renew its products according to the needs and expectations of customers. Accelerated innovation by developing partnerships with best-in-class industry players. It has developed multi-energy products to provide customers with sustainable and profitable solutions for every business need. It accelerated the development of electric vehicle alternatives and established a dedicated production center in Ulm, Germany, where it produced the first IVECO heavy-duty electric truck. By creating a 360-degree ecosystem around its tools and needs, it has become more connected to customers' businesses and taken a step further in its service strategy. In a highly dynamic industry, IVECO has evolved rapidly to become its customers' reliable partner. The brand has always supported its customers while successfully overcoming difficulties in dealing with change.

Sharing his comments on the subject at the event, Iveco Group Truck Business Unit President Luca Sra said that; "Striving for change is a full-time job to which we have devoted all our resources over the last four years. In 2019, we started a new journey and reshaped and developed our vehicles, customer-oriented and completely tailored to their needs, and carried out a deep evolution at IVECO. Thanks to the trust our customers place in us, we have both worked hard and made fast progress. Now, I would like to proudly state that today we are opening a new page in our history. With the Full Range Model Year 2024 Launch, fearless progress, 360-degree mobility ecosystem, the most appropriate technology selection and the most comprehensive service offer according to the needs in all segments. “We show our capacity to support.”


A Multi-Energy Range of Products

For the first time in its history, IVECO renewed its entire product range at once with an investment of 1 billion Euros. IVECO focused on four key elements when developing this state-of-the-art series: business efficiency, driver experience, sustainability and connectivity.

New features and innovations include all vehicle systems built around customers' businesses, aiming to make their lives easier and more comfortable. The improvements cover the smallest details, from functionality to ergonomics, from workmanship to drive-oriented innovations, such as the introduction of a state-of-the-art engine in the heavy-duty segment. The innovations touch all areas, from advanced technology for safer driving to the human-machine interface.

IVECO's desire to move society forward and strengthen the sustainable transformation of the transport industry drives its multi-energy approach, offering customers the technology choice best suited to their operational and business needs. Based on the principle that technology must adapt to the mission and achieve mission goals, IVECO continues to develop internal combustion engine vehicles, including those powered by natural gas, to reduce environmental impacts. In this context, IVECO developed electric versions of its light and heavy series.

Comprehensive Service Offering to Provide Complete Mobility Solutions

IVECO completes its range of services suitable for the new ecosystem with IVECO Services, which are designed to help customers manage their vehicles and fleets easily and efficiently, reduce total ownership costs and increase their profitability. All new and renewed vehicles also include services developed to improve drivers' travel processes and increase their comfort and safety.

IVECO supports its customers' transition to zero-emission mobility with eMobility-specific services designed to facilitate the transition to electric vehicles by increasing productivity, reducing total cost of ownership and maximizing the vehicle's range and energy efficiency.

With GATE (Green and Advanced Transport Ecosystem), IVECO offers an innovative, all-inclusive, pay-per-use business model for the long-term rental of "green" commercial vehicles that want to access electric mobility.

New Era New Logo: A Powerful Symbol of Change

IVECO celebrated the opening of a new chapter in its history, the culmination of a journey that began 48 years ago, with the introduction of a new brand identity that embodies the concept of change. Expressing the dynamism and innovation of the brand, the new logo in black establishes a proud link with the brand's history: The blue energy-colored light glow at its heart represents the junction between IVECO's heritage and the new energy future.

This new brand identity, which demonstrates how IVECO is moving forward to serve a rapidly developing modern society while establishing a strong bond with its deep-rooted history, will accompany IVECO's product and service era in the coming years.







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