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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
17 Ocak 2022 Pazartesi - 13:49

Burhan Çakan, General Manager of Gürbulak Transport, "The Most Crucial Problem of The Logistics Industry: Qualified Driver Shortage and the Case of Not Preferring The Profession"

Within the scope of the interviews we held by discussing the problems and expectations of the logistics sector, we are meeting with Burhan Çakan, the General Manager of Gürbulak Transport, about the company and the sector.

Burhan Çakan, General Manager of Gürbulak Transport,  The Most Crucial Problem of The Logistics Industry: Qualified Driver Shortage and the Case of Not Preferring The Profession



Within the scope of the interviews we held by discussing the problems and expectations of the logistics sector, we are meeting with Burhan Çakan, the General Manager of Gürbulak Transport, about the company and the sector. 

Stating that the company is a family business that was taken over from the father in 1979, Çakan states that they transferred the flag that they took over as the second generation to the third generation. Çakan said that; “We have a fleet of 300 vehicles in total. The headquarters of our company is in the Dilovası-Kocaeli region, and we also have a vehicle park and container storage areas in four locations, namely Ambarlı-Istanbul ports, Aliağa-İzmir port and Asyaport-Tekirdağ region. We provide logistics services to our customers with domestic land transportation, container storage, sales of second-hand soc containers, stuffing/handling services. Our features that make us stand out are: the trust we have built in the sector over the years, our infrastructure investments, our vehicle park and equipment proficiency, our experience in every branch of logistics.”

“We Are Creating Our Necessary Infrastructure by Supporting the Green Logistics Project”

Mentioning that they created the necessary infrastructure by supporting the green logistics project, Çakan said that; “We have brought all our vehicles and equipment we use in domestic land transportation to Euro 5 and Euro 6 standards. At the same time, we continue to work on the use of LPG vehicles in our infrastructure.”

“We Want to Invest Abroad”

Çakan also stated that the work and activity reports of the previous year are evaluated regularly every year and that the investments for the program targeted for the next year are continued by the innovation team: "Our main goal is to invest abroad when we reach the higher bar."

“It Would Be More Effective And Beneficial To Have A Ministry Of Logistics”

Stating that they continue their innovation studies for the sector and their business, Çakan states that sectoral NGOs should be given duties and responsibilities and support should be given in the development of the sector and in eliminating the problems. Çakan said that; “However, effective solution proposals of NGOs are not being implemented. Considering the geographical feature of our country, our most effective solution proposal for the state and bureaucracy, as we are a country in the position of a logistics base, is as follows: It would be more effective and beneficial to have a Ministry of Logistics in addition to the Ministry of Transport.

“Qualified Driver Shortage is the Most Crucial Problem of the Logistics Industry”

Stating that the general problem of our country in terms of logistics is the problems at the point of sustainability, Çakan said: “Our logisticians have started to work academically in the logistics sector for the last 10 years. It will be more efficient to start academic education in our sector from high school or even primary school. The shortage of qualified drivers is the most crucial problem of the logistics industry. Despite the high level of unemployment in our country, the profession of driving is less preferred day by day. Another problem I would like to point out in particular is that the professional qualification certificates issued by our Ministry of Transport are not adequately audited. At the same time, sectoral NGOs do not consider professional qualification documents as a prerequisite, even in their member registrations.”

“NGOs Cannot Go Beyond Bringing the Problem to the Agenda”

Stating that there are important NGOs in the sector and that they take duties and responsibilities in these NGOs as a company, Çakan said that; “Even though NGOs are consulted in terms of bureaucracy, our NGOs are not allowed to take initiative in terms of checking whether the practices are in place and implementing effective solutions.”

“We Are More Developed Than Many EU Member Countries in Logistics Activities”

Referring to the long truck queues at the border gates, Çakan offered solutions to NGOs at the point of solution of the problem and said that; “Our logistics activities, which are above European standards in transit transportation, cannot be ignored. I even claim that we are more developed than many European Union member countries. However, we see that we cannot even cross our own border gates, let alone the second or third country crossings, and that the queues of vehicles sometimes extend up to 40-50 kilometers. The only solution to this problem is this: Our country's NGOs come together, prepare an emergency action plan with NGOs from other countries, and ensure that the practices specified in international agreements are implemented quickly.”

“We Expect Solution Suggestions for More Effective Use of Our Existing Firms and Vehicles”

Expressing his expectations as a UND member company, Çakan said that; “As a UND member, they ensure that their annual current transportation capacity by road is increased by 10 percent and 20 percent each year, in addition to their effective solutions to the problems of transit in the international arena, especially in import and export transportation, In order to increase the number of companies and vehicles, we expect solutions for the more effective use of our existing companies and vehicles.”

 “Companies With High Brand Value In Our Country And Global Companies Should Come Together”

Expressing that global companies and companies with high brand value should come together in order to strengthen the sector, Çakan said that; “Although we have taken European/foreign capital as an example as the logistics sector, today there are many companies with high brand value in our country. When we look at the capital and infrastructure of these companies, we know that they are twice the size of European/foreign capital. However, our biggest problem is that such companies either move to different sectors or leave their top spot to foreign capital without transferring them to the second or third generation. As such, we cannot direct the logistics sector in our country and in Europe, and we cannot implement our effective solutions. I am one of those who think that our industry should get stronger. For this, companies with high brand value in our country and global companies should come together and such structures should be supported socioeconomically.”

“We Solve Our Country's Driver Problem in 6 Months”

Stating that sector NGOs can come together and solve the driver problem, Çakan finally said that; “I think we can solve our country's driver problem in 6 months. At this point, İŞKUR has a great responsibility to support the sector. This problem will be solved in 6 months by cooperating with the leading NGOs of the logistics industry in our country. On this occasion, I express that we will walk in cooperation with each of our companies and institutions so that Turkey takes the place it deserves in the logistics of the future, and I wish the whole sector a more successful and profitable year.”

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