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Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

Karsan Maintained Strong Growth Momentum in 2024!

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alp özler, yılnak,
7 Ocak 2022 Cuma - 16:28

Win Capital Group Choose Krone Cool Liner For Food Transportation

 In the greater Budapest area, the WIN Capital Group has recently put five electrically powered articulated trucks into operation, which are intended for deliveries to Aldi branches. As part of this cooperation, five exclusively designed Cool Liners from Krone are combined with fully electric semitrailer tractors.

Win Capital Group Choose Krone Cool Liner For Food Transportation

The drives were specially converted for this project to be able to deliver goods with low emissions within a radius of 230 km. The batteries can be fully recharged in just two hours. With this solution, Aldi saves 3,600 liters of diesel per unit per month and thus contributes to the achievement of its global sustainability goals.

Somogyi Gábor, Managing Director of Krone Trailer SE Kft. in Szigetszentmiklós: “We are grateful that we can contribute the trailers for the first electric articulated trucks in the region in cooperation with the WIN Capital Group and Aldi. Supplying food retailers in the greater area around the metropolis of Budapest places special demands on the equipment. That is why Happy Cargo (one of WIN Capital’s subsidiaries) and Aldi rely on the high reliability of the Krone Cool Liner."

Even before this new project, the WIN Capital Group, as a partner of Aldi, cared for local deliveries to supermarkets. In food logistics, the Group relies exclusively on Cool Liners from Krone.

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