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13 Aralık 2021 Pazartesi - 18:18

Destan Heavy Transport And Logistics Fleet Manager Mustafa Yaldız, Most of The Transportation From Europe To Asia Is Carried By Vehicles With Turkish Plate

We are having an interview with Destan Heavy Transport and Logistics Fleet Manager Mustafa Yaldız at the International Logitrans Transport Logistics Fair.

Destan Heavy Transport And Logistics Fleet Manager Mustafa Yaldız, Most of The Transportation From Europe To Asia Is Carried By Vehicles With Turkish Plate

Destan Heavy Transport and Logistics Fleet Manager Mustafa Yaldız,


Yaldız talks about the problems and expectations of the sector as well as the details of Destan Ağır Transport and Logistics. Pointing out that the visa problem should be resolved as soon as possible, Yaldız states that the business volume will increase with the support provided to the logistics industry.

“Destan Intercountry Transport is a company established in 1982. The main field of activity of our company is project transportation. A company specializing in what we call heavy, wide, high-volume transports. Project transportation is evaluated in two ways. While all out-of-gauge transportation is called project transportation, in fact, the meaning of project transportation is the transportation of loads that include the use of multiple vehicle types. As an example: We are entering a tender for 50 open transport trucks and 200 tarpaulin trucks, and we carry out the transportation of all of them. This is the meaning of project transportation. But of course, they equate it with out-of-gauge transportation. This is the main field of activity of our company. We don't have a fixed line. Because when there is a project, we enter the tender and carry out transportation there. We have annual permits in the countries we transport. We have annual permits in countries such as Germany, France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Poland and Hungary. We carry out transportation with annual permits as much as possible. The primary reason for this is to eliminate long-distance permit processes. There is no country in Europe where we do not work. We transport to every country in Asia where the truck system is included. We only go to Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan from time to time. For example; we have vehicles in motion in Kazakhstan and Spain at the moment.”

“We Respond According to Our Customer's Demand”

“Destan has a wealth of knowledge since 1982. All personnel are experienced and fully trained in logistics. Most of the company's employees work in Destan International Transportation, and they have various duties both in the public sphere and in Non-Governmental Organizations. We do all these works with passion. Apart from that, our vehicle pool is very strong. We have to respond according to the loading of our customers. According to our customer's demand, we have a 2-axle low-bed with a pool, as well as a 6-axle low-bed with a pool. We have low-bed vehicles with 3 to 8 axles. We also have tent vehicles that expand and rise, and vehicles that can extend. Therefore, we respond according to our customer's request. That's our plus."

“The Visa Problem Should Be Solved As Soon As Possible”

“In order to solve the visa problem, first of all, all the stakeholders of the problem need to join hands. UND is doing really serious work. Unfortunately, bureaucracy gets in the way. While we used to get visas valid for 2 years for our drivers, now we can get 6 months frequently for 6 months. This gives us 90 days of residence time within 6 months. Sometimes, depending on operational processes, our drivers stay in Europe for 91 days. In such cases, the country we apply to rejects the visas of our drivers and our driver stays in Turkey for three months and cannot obtain a visa. We need to employ extra drivers because we have to operate the vehicle, we have to serve our customers. Nothing about the visa issue is going forward. In the past, Mr. Minister also provided some supportive support.

they had speeches. It needs to be resolved through UND. We have to do this because there is a serious mutual investment between countries. After all, if exports are going from the Republic of Turkey, there is an export from Germany and from Europe to Turkey. The number of vehicles in Europe will not be able to meet this compared to Turkey. Therefore, this visa issue should be resolved as soon as possible.”

“There Is A Very Serious Driver Crisis In Europe And Turkey”

“Apart from these, we also have a driver problem. UND has a serious study on this issue in the form of the Driver Academy. We do not have a trained driver pool. The driver crisis that has spread in Europe at the moment poses a great risk for Turkey as well. Normally, when Turkish trucks transported to England, they would unload their cargo and return to Turkey with their cargo. The situation in England is so dire that they allowed Turkish trucks to transport within England for 14 days. This is a violation of cabotage since we normally intervene in the domestic market. But there is no truck driver; markets and shelves were left empty. Therefore, there is an expectation from us in Europe. However, if they expect from us, they should provide us with convenience in terms of visa. In fact, it is necessary for us to bring visa liberalization to our truck drivers as soon as possible. As a result, these vehicles do not go on touristic tours, they take loads and bring loads. In Germany and England, there is a shortage of 60,000 truck drivers. They will employ our chauffeurs. They make job offers. Our situation is dire right now, as we do not receive support from the generation we call the Z generation. If we need 10, 2 truck drivers are trained. Therefore, the situation in Turkey will worsen. We already have some major problems right now.”

“Our Business Volume Will Increase As Turkish Transporters”

The logistics sector in Turkey is one of the sectors that will never end. The reason for this is the geopolitical position of the Republic of Turkey. We are a transit country. Most of the transports to the countries around us are already carried out by vehicles with Turkish license plates. We already get a part of our gross national product from here, we are a service exporter. We carry out what we call third country transportation. However, it is getting harder and harder to transport. These procedures become more difficult due to border crossings, passport problems and visa problems. We need support, we expect support from our Ministry in this regard. Of course, our business volume as Turkish transporters will increase in proportion to the support we will receive.”

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