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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
18 Aralık 2020 Cuma - 17:01

England Winked at Turkey

The UK government has confirmed it is ready for increased TIR transits between the UK and the EU when the Brexit transition period ends in two weeks. 

England Winked at Turkey

Extensive UK government planning and new support information for hauliers seeks to mitigate potential traffic and driver issues on the UK side of the border. 

Responding to questions from leading EU road haulage companies at an IRU dialogue this week, senior figures from the Ministry of Transport and UK Customs (HMRC) confirmed that trained border staff are ready for TIR transits to, from and via the UK at all major ports from 1 January. 

With a post Brexit trade deal still being negotiated, IRU and road transport operators on both sides of the English Channel have expressed alarm at the uncertainty companies continue to face in planning shipments, especially for perishable food, arranging customs formalities and transit documentation, and making contingencies for logistical issues such as long truck queues. 

The UK government’s detailed Hauliers Handbook is now available in 14 languages, summarising all information needed for drivers and operators entering or leaving the UK from 1 January. 

The UK’s new Check an HGV system is also now online, with information for drivers on paperwork required to leave the UK, including how to register for a Kent Access Permit for heavy goods vehicles leaving via the port of Dover or Eurotunnel.

IRU’s hotline for accredited TIR hauliers will remain open throughout the holidays and the Brexit transition period. IRU will also continue to provide traffic and border updates to its members.

The UK has used the TIR system for over 70 years, albeit with smaller volumes during its membership of the EU single market from 1992. 

The high physical and financial security of the TIR system provides unique advantages to hauliers, shippers and customs between the EU and the UK, and from the UK via the EU to non-EU countries such as Belarus, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

İngiltere Türkiye'ye Göz Kırptı
Plakadaki Şaşırtan Düzeneğe 2 Bin 206 Lira Ceza Kesildi
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