The NOVUM-generation Kögel Cargo
The highlight of the trade fair stand is the new NOVUM generation Kögel Cargo. This Kögel best-seller is ideal for use in eastern European domestic transportation. The Kögel Cargo has the optimised external frame profile and improved body that characterise the NOVUM generation. As well as making the Kögel Cargo even more robust, these features simplify handling in daily use. In addition, the NOVUM generation Kögel Cargo benefits from extensive standard equipment, including the Kögel Trailer Axle KTA and an extremely high degree of individualisation. This means that it can be adapted in line with the individual requirements of each forwarding company. With a low tare weight starting at 5,920 kg in the basic version, it's extremely cost-effective to drive.
Kögel 3-axle Tipper Trailer
The second fair exhibit is the Kögel 3-axle Tipper Trailer. The exhibition piece has a 24 m³ loading volume, a 4-mm-thick floor, made of tempered Hardox 450 steel, side walls made of a highly wear-resistant, 5-mm-thick aluminium sheet, and a back wall made from the same highly resistant material with a thickness of 7 mm. This combination is optimally suited for daily use in practice with rubble, gravel, and aggregates of all kinds. Compared to a Kögel tipper trailer with four-millimetre-thick steel side walls and a four-millimetre-thick steel back wall, the new aluminium side walls and back wall enable a saving of up to 430 kilograms in tare weight.
Kögel KTA trailer axle
The third exhibit at the Comtrans is the Kögel Trailer Axle KTA. This is a standard feature for many variants of the Kögel Cargo, Kögel Lightplus, Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality and Kögel Box product ranges, along with various chassis. The low-maintenance axle is perfectly tailored to Kögel trailers, and further improves the driving properties.
Kögel service
Further highlights at the stand include the expanded service offer for trailers, including financing, full service, breakdown service, and telematics. Kögel Finance, for example, will offer financing solutions that ensure outstanding liquidity, with hire purchase and leasing opportunities with special trade fair conditions for the exhibited products. Other appealing fair offerings include the Kögel Full Service and Kögel Telematics packages.
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