The EU Commissioner and former prime minister of Baden-Württemberg Guenther Oettinger congratulated Susanne Rettenmaier and Dr. Gerald Karch to the longstanding existing of their companies Scheuerle in Pfedelbach (150 years) and Kamag (50 years) in Ulm. This happened in an impressive setting: the emperor’s hall of the Munich Residence where the opening ceremony of the Bauma, the world’s biggest fair, was held.
The Rettenmaier family got to know Guenther Oettinger during his times as Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, when he conferred the Federal Cross of Merit First Class to the company founder Senator h.c. Otto Rettenmaier.
The TII Group is the global market leader in heavy-duty vehicles with hydraulically suspended floating axles. The group of companies with their subsidiaries Scheuerle, Nicolas, Kamag and TII India represents first-class technology and innovations in heavy-duty vehicles and special vehicles. Scheuerle was the first company to successfully integrate the hydraulically suspended axle installed one after the other over the length of several axle lines – the birth of modern heavy-haulage transport. Today, the Tii Group defines international standards in many industrial sectors and regularly sets new world records.
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