This historical milestone – which takes place in the same year as the 70th anniversary of both the adoption of the TIR Convention and the forging of diplomatic relations between China and Russia – comes after the signing of a new international road transport agreement between the Chinese and Russian authorities aimed at removing freight routes constraints and facilitating access to both countries’ territories.
Transport operators are now free to choose routes between China and Russia according to market needs, and can readily transport goods without transhipments at the China-Russia border, thereby increasing efficiency, saving costs, and reducing journey times.
According to experts, door-to-door transport of goods via road under TIR along this route will be, on average, three and a half times faster compared to sea and one and a half times faster compared to rail, with comparable total costs.
Following closely on the opening up of four additional TIR border crossing points in China, this first transport of its kind showcases the practical benefits for China, Russia and those countries along the Belt and Road route of reaping the economic and development rewards that international road transport can offer.
Source: IRU
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