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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
26 Haziran 2020 Cuma - 13:36

Iveco Daily Wins The Prestigious Award Of The Uk : 2020 Commercial Van Drivers

Commercial Van Drivers Magazine is the UK's leading magazine for small businesses, rewarding brands that offer the best vehicles and service to manufacturers, companies and panel van buyers every year. IVECO Daily was selected by the magazine's expert writers and readers who use light commercial vehicles as a requirement of their work.

Iveco Daily Wins The Prestigious Award Of The Uk : 2020 Commercial Van Drivers

On the reasons for IVECO Daily's award winning, the jury said that: “Employers who want a solid vehicle for hard work in high tonnages will not have any reason to miss the Daily. The high quality of the vehicle, built on a solid truck chassis, makes the vehicle feel strong. No other manufacturer in this sector can approach the vehicle, which has a wide range of versions and configurations. ”

Sascha Kaehn, IVECO director of the UK and the Republic of Ireland, said that: “We are delighted to have received the best vehicle award in the range of 3.5-7.5 tons. Commercial Van Drivers Magazine should be proud to present a true reflection of its readers' thoughts and feelings, and it means a lot to the customers and end users to be on the jury.”

IVECO Daily gets its strength from offering performance and sustainability, providing efficiency and profitability to the customer, along with low fuel consumption and Total Cost of Ownership. Designed to 'change your business perspective', Daily sets new standards in life and driving experience in the cabin and takes important steps in autonomous driving and advanced safety features. The New Daily also raises the bar for connectivity, providing a complete package tailored to the customer's vehicle usage and business, and opens the door to a new world of services. It also provides a full set of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems and enhanced safety features, while providing the best in-class cab experience and driving experience.

With its daily van, semi-glazed van, chassis cabin, incomplete chassis and double cabin options and 4x4 options that can cope with many challenging road missions, it offers users a wide choice.

The most environmentally friendly diesel engines and CNG / Bio-CNG options show IVECO's commitment to innovation, efficiency and alternative fuel transportation solutions, making its position in the market a true partner for sustainable transportation.

IVECO Introduces New Iveco S-Way R Racing Trucks
Those Who Do Not Pay The Toll Fee, Will Be Given An Administrative Fine Of 4 Times The Fee Of The Entry And Exit
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