Jochen Hahn from Team Hahn Racing and Steffi Halm from Team Schwabentruck experienced new trucks on the test track and demonstrated the powerful performance of the vehicles. The event was also broadcast live on IVECO's Facebook page, and the sponsors, colleagues and fans of the teams had the chance to watch the introduction to have a brief look at the 2019 season and to watch the trailer of the upcoming season.
Introduction of IVECO S-WAY R trucks is the result of 5 months of development and testing. The new racing trucks feature all the advanced design and engineering features from IVECO S-WAY's cabin that provides functionality and comfort, to the optimized aerodynamics that saves up to 4 percent fuel by reducing the friction coefficient by up to 12 percent.
Jochen Hahn, who won the European Truck Racing Championship for 6 times, said about the new truck named “Giulia ”that; “IVECO S-WAY R is the best and most stylish race truck we have ever produced. I can't wait to see the abilities of this IVECO “bull” on the racetrack.”
Steffi Halm, the driver of the Schwabentruck team, said that; “When it comes to colors, my truck looks much better than Jochen. But this season will not make much difference, because they will see only the back! ”
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