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2 Şubat 2021 Salı - 10:36

Kögel Strengthens Its Presence In France And Concludes Partnership With One Of The Leading Transport And Logistics Association, Tred Union

The French transport association, Tred Union, has concluded a strong new partnership with Kögel. Members of Tred Union will benefit twice over: On the one hand, from the efficiency and sustainability of the Kögel product portfolio and on the other, from a strong, dynamic network with customised services.

Kögel Strengthens Its Presence In France  And Concludes Partnership With One Of The Leading Transport And Logistics Association, Tred Union

Kögel has sent a clear signal on the French market with the newly forged alliance. All members of Tred Union, one of the leading associations of French transport companies, will receive exclusive access to a wide range of Kögel products. Kögel trailers of the NOVUM generation combine the highest quality, maximum efficiency and awareness of sustainable logistics processes. First and foremost is the Kögel Cargo NOVUM: the reliable partner for logistics companies who want a robust and durable vehicle, which is available with different frame and body variants in the form of the Kögel Cargo Coil, Rail and Coil Rail – a suitable solution for every requirement.
With 13,000 vehicles and 150 members, Tred Union is one of the leading associations of French transport companies. The main field of activity focuses on the following four areas: Transport of palletised freight in complete and partial loads, pallet shipping, logistics and special transports, as well as temperature-controlled transport.

Customised solutions for every customer 

In accordance with the company's guiding principle “Economy meets Ecology - Because we care”, Kögel offers its customers the highest possible degree of customisation, not only in the vehicle selection, but in financing and leasing solutions too, which can be tailored to the specific requirements of customers. As well as these solutions, Kögel and Tred Union support every customer project flexibly and quickly to achieve the best possible commercial efficiency.

Strong team under experienced leadership

With over 20 years of experience in the transport and logistics industry, Jerome Grau is the experienced expert at the helm of Kögel in France. The 50-year-old Frenchman is responsible for the sales, dealer and service activities of the Bavarian trailer manufacturer in France, and is looking forward to the new partnership: “With Tred Union at our side, we are bundling our competencies and are well-positioned on the French market. We will continue to grow Kögel's market presence and strengthen our customer relationships with the help of the French team and our dealers.”

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