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18 Temmuz 2019 Perşembe - 10:22


In this subject that we closely follow as MyTruck Magazine, we met with Ahmet Ilker Bulca, HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) Manager of İYL Energy who first tried natural gas vehicles. In our interview, we listened to Ahmet İlker Bulça about all our curiosities such as range, traction, performance, and the process they experienced during the project. Details of our interview are here for you…


Shell & Turcas launched LNG Station Network Project for the first time in Turkey. The aim of this project is to promote the use of LNG as an alternative fuel in road transport. Within the scope of the project, it introduced the ex-factory natural gas demo vehicles as well as the converted natural gas demo vehicles to the use of logistics companies. In this subject that we closely follow as MyTruck Magazine, we met with Ahmet Ilker Bulca, HSE (Health, Safety, Environment) Manager of İYL Energy who first tried natural gas vehicles. In our interview, we listened to Ahmet İlker Bulça about all our curiosities such as range, traction, performance, and the process they experienced during the project. Details of our interview are here for you…

What the government will do, how distribution companies will act? These are the questions for us

The world is turning to natural gas and Turkey also follow this trend step by step. The vehicle manufacturers, as well as the energy distribution company in Turkey has many activities in this regard. One of these companies is Shell & Turcas, which you know very well. As you know, Shell & Turcas has LNG station network project. Within the scope of this project, it introduced the natural gas demo vehicles to the logistics companies. You are the first company to try these demo vehicles. What would you say about this process? Did LNG, LNG vehicles and converted vehicles make a positive impact on you?

With Shell & Turcas, we experienced a LNG utilization process for a period of about six months. When we met with LNG, we had neither a tried-and-tested system nor a process. Our first plan was about environment and safety and our second plan was about cost. Finally, we were asking what would happen as a result. During this six-month period Shell & Turcas established a filling facility.

We saw a very positive, promising picture in terms of cost

The established filling facility was kept under record from the beginning to the end of the project. Subsequently, the use of rotational and zero means was performed at certain ranges. They were subjected to a certain measurement and tables were prepared. When we checked these tables, we saw a very positive, promising picture in terms of cost. Of course, it would be some relative to consider LNG as a cheap type of fuel for now. Because this is a situation that must be decided as a result of long processes.

No Negative Response Either on Traction Power Or on Any Other Issue

In this project, you experienced both transformed and ex-factory vehicles. When you make a comparison between them, which do you think stands out? Can you evaluate in terms of cost and technical specifications of the vehicles?

In Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Tekirdağ and Istanbul European Side, four or five locations were both tabulated with zero vehicles and transformed vehicles. In the new vehicle, Shell & Turcas assigned the Iveco brand to us. Iveco vehicle which was given by Shell & Turcas had no decrease in efficiency neither on the road or on the ramp certainly. Besides, we didn't stay on the single drive. To see the difference between the drives, we have alternatively allocated three drives. In turn, these drivers tried both the transformed vehicle and the Iveco zero vehicle one by one. In our conversations with our drivers, there was no negative response either on traction power or any other issue.

“We Tried Not Only Tankers But Also Frigorific Vehicles”

In order to make a healthy measurement, we predicted to evaluate both the transformed and the factory modes of Iveco Stralis NP 460 at the same range, same point, same ramp up and down. Then we thought the tables would be more striking and realistic. Experiments were conducted from our location in Dilovası to our Tekirdağ location. With the information coming from here for a while, the settings of the vehicles, especially the transformed vehicles, have been completed. The level in the warehouse was checked each time they came, checked how much fuel remains. By saying how we can do this more efficiently, certain settings were made and sent to the same region again. Afterwards, certain tables were prepared as monthly, quarterly and semi-annually. Of course, Iveco's efficiency was higher in these aspects. We can say that very clearly. That's how we did the measurements. We also wanted to try not only the tankers, but also other versions and we tried the frigorific vehicles. We observed more fuel consumption due to the weight of the refrigerated vehicles.

“Iveco Stralis NP 460 Is Very Quiet Vehicle”

We have given more weight to issues such as whether the vehicle's efficiency is falling or not. As a result of these tests, when we looked at the tables, we found that we achieved positive results. We have always evaluated these results in terms of fuel-cost but our efficiency criteria were not the only ones. Efficiency was also related to the comfort of the driver. The Iveco Stralis NP 460 is a very quiet vehicle. The user is so quiet that he can't even tell if it works when he gets in the vehicle. We think that this is an important detail for the drivers.

Besides, carbon emissions are zero. This is an issue that cannot be ignored, especially when we consider the environmental pollution issue.

“Most Important Topic: Range!”

Simply, recyclable vehicle is a logic-driven vehicle in factory fuel technology. You are turning this vehicle into a vehicle operating on another principle, another energy. Given this situation, if we add the trial process, we can say that there is a mismatch. Of course, the incompatibility was eliminated by the transforming companies. For example; traction problem appeared. They checked and made a small measurement, a change in the setting was made and the normal level was taken. Range is one of the most important issues in this. The brand new vehicle is built entirely according to LNG, the tank capacity is adjusted accordingly, so the range capacity is longer than the transformed vehicle.

“LNG Filling Facilities Not Available on the Roads As Different From Fuel Stations”

Depending on the range, I have to say that LNG filling facilities are not available on the roads as different from fuel stations. Although we do not have large data, we have usage data. But we do not have very strong data from the value of the second-hand converted for the future to the comparison of the second-hand value of the brand new-vehicle. So, my opinion is that the brand - new vehicle is better in terms of safety and security. We need to get this data better in the future so that we can check its profitability and make a move as a company.

“Should We Transform Our Existing Vehicles or Buy New Vehicles?”

We see that your opinions about LNG are very positive but you have not yet switched to this system.

Our view of the LNG system is very positive. Before deciding on an investment, we should also examine; should we transform our existing vehicles or buy new vehicles? According to this, we need to make an investment decision. When buying a new vehicle, the advantages to be provided for us by the company and the government will also motivate us.

“We Will Make This Investment But We Need To Get The Necessary Station Guarantee”

Our expectations are to buy LNG cheap and increase the number of filling facilities. For example; we cannot be able to complete 1,600 km road to Mersin region with this fuel tank level. There's got to be a station. We will make this investment but we need to get the necessary station guarantee. Of course, we do not know what mutual promises may be given in the future, where the subject goes when we start to negotiate. When the business investment potential increase in Turkey, there will the investments for 20 cars, then the negotiations can be initiated and the certain promises and routes can be determined. Certain filling facilities are also provided for these routes. Ultimately, an investment of twenty-thirty vehicles is made, and the return to us is considered. Because you will surely pay big money compared to other vehicles in that investment.

“LNG System Is Very Cost-Effective”

Considering the initial purchase costs of the vehicles, a major investment is required initially. What are your expectations from vehicle manufacturers in terms of both service and cost?

We speak here on behalf of logistics companies like us, and all vehicle manufacturers are indeed very valuable companies. Technologically, most of the world's giants provide us with the infrastructure we want. LNG system is very cost-effective when it is considered to be based on expedition, which is what these companies promise. Only here, there may be situations beyond those companies. The government must also move certain items to motivate us and the companies that sell in this style. Tax regulations may be made or privileges may be granted to us in certain matters. For example; when you go to a shopping center, you can see that the the electric vehicles are placed near the door. In such cases, companies feel privileged and important. On the other hand, when you invest in this business, the costs must be absolutely low. We can say that the services provided by the companies we call the world giant are almost the same.

“Our Expectation is To Give More Detailed and Subtle Information to the State”

There are 3 or 4 companies producing LNG vehicles, LNG vehicles of all of them are very technological. They can only be minor differences. For example, one is more than 100 kg, the other provides fuel efficiency of 0.01. The first investment is very important for logistics companies like us, because the cost of that investment is the element that we decide whether we will do the job. Therefore, our expectation from these giant companies is to give more detailed and subtle information to the State. I give examples; how they can give discounts in the import section and how they can reflect this discount on these issues we expect action from these companies.

“LNG Vehicles Are Not Known!”

Were there any negative situations you encountered during this process? What are your constructive criticisms about the solution?

During the six-month trial period, we also encountered many negative situations. With these big corporate companies, it is needed to get some permissions to spread this job throughout Turkey. For example, we need to get access to certain filling facilities in our field of occupation. Because when we go to the filling facilities we say that; “We have such a vehicle, we will come and take our certain products from now on”. But the company does not know the LNG vehicle! They're surprised, they're asking does this harm the facility or anywhere. They are asking if this cause oscillation or not. In fact, it makes zero oscillation. Also the vehicle does not make any sound in your facility. Therefore, there is a great lack of information about this issue in our country. We have mentioned before; there are certain prejudices about the traction of the vehicle caused by the people who have not tried this. There are prejudices that the traction of the natural gas vehicle will be low, but this is not the case. Quite comfortable and like most vehicles, traction is in place. Unfortunately, the facilities are uninformed. In fact, if they see the hardware of the vehicle, they will understand the situation. This negativity should be explained and eliminated by distributor companies with launches, works to be done in effective channels like you in the sector, TV programs and even by receiving public incentives.

Just as the motivation of people is important in driving, the motivation is important for logistics companies like us. For example, 50% discount or free pass is the motivation for us. It also encourages us to use this type of fuel. If such facilities are provided, big players may start and put their hands under the stone.

“As Far As We See, LNG System İs Very Profitable”

In the six-month period we mentioned, this is exactly what we see; If a corporate firm undertakes it and the government contributes to it, we would certainly like to benefit from this efficiency. It may be either a new vehicle or a transformed vehicle we have. It is decided in some way how. One of the most important issues in logistics companies is the fuel problem. As far as we can see, the LNG system is very profitable. We will reduce fuel costs quickly with this system.

As İYL Energy, we attach great importance to environmental sensitivity, profitability and safety, and believe that we should keep each one at the same level. The LNG system not only reduces costs but is also environmentally sensitive with zero carbon emissions. Therefore, LNG is a very suitable fuel for us!

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