The 55-year-old Dutch native, Engelen, particularly appreciates his new employer's broad product range and the “fantastic commitment” of Kögel employees.
Kögel founded Kögel BeNeLux B. V., with head office and operating facilities in Zwolle, the Netherlands, in 2017. Since then, new and used vehicles, services, financing, leasing and telematics have been available on-site to local customers. This the same region that Mark Engelen will serve as director of Key Account Management for north-western Europe. He comes from a large, international Dutch forwarding company. He worked for the logistics company for over 18 years: the first ten years in operative management, and then in key account management. After, he spent eight years as the managing director of an international trailer axle manufacturer. After that, he spent two years as a department manager in key account management, sales and marketing at a smaller well-known trailer manufacturer.
Mark Engelen is pleased to be taking on the new role and says: “The exceptionally well-developed product range and fantastic commitment of the Kögel family is extremely motivating to me and leads me to me believe that we will be very successful.”
“With this additional support in Benelux, we are providing our customers with another experienced contact and will be able to meet increased demand for Kögel trailers in the local region,” says Kögel Managing Director Josef Warmeling. “In Mark Engelen, we have gained an experienced expert to fill this position.”
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