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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
21 Eylül 2018 Cuma - 13:16

New: Now With Aluminium Side Walls and Back Wall

The Kögel IAA highlight for the construction industry is the Kögel tipper trailer with even more payload. This is made possible by a modular expansion with aluminium side walls and back wall. The 2-axle and 3-axle tipper trailers with 24 m³ loading volume are available not only with various wall and tailgate thicknesses in steel; the side walls and tailgate are now also available in aluminium. Thanks to intelligent joining technology, Kögel customers can compile an individual tipper trailer wit

New: Now With Aluminium Side Walls and Back Wall

More payload with new drop side and back wall variants

The 3-axle tipper trailer with 24 m³ loading volume exhibited at the IAA 2018 will display the variant with a four-millimetre-thick floor, made of tempered Hardox 450 steel, side walls made of a highly wear-resistant, five-millimetre-thick aluminium sheet, as well as a back wall made of a highly wear-resistant, seven-millimetre-thick aluminium sheet. This combination is ideal for construction materials like crushed rock or gravel.

The benefit of a steel tub with light drop sides and back wall over a tipper body made of pure aluminium is that there is no need for the cost-intensive repair of the floor every two to three years due to wear. This mix of materials is a clever choice by Kögel. At places subject to a high level of wear and tear, high-quality steel is used, and on the side walls and back wall subject to less abrasion, lighter aluminium is used. Compared to a Kögel tipper trailer with four-millimetre-thick steel side walls and a five-millimetre-thick steel back wall, the new aluminium drop sides and back wall enable a saving of up to 430 kilograms in tare weight.

Individual equipment on the trade show exhibit

The IAA 2018 trade show exhibit features special equipment, such as a toolbox, a control pedestal, a roll-up cover, a lift axle, aluminium wheel rims, aluminium air tanks and flashing side marker lights to increase traffic safety and prevent accidents when turning, and much more.

Cathodic dip-paint coating: lasting protection from corrosion

Nano ceramic technology and cathodic dip-paint coating together with a coat of UV varnish provide the entire frame and tipper body of the Kögel tipper trailers with long-term corrosion protection.

Hankook’un Elektrikli Otobüslere Yönelik Geliştirilmiş İlk Lastik
OKT Trailer Yeni Marka Konumlandırmasıyla IAA 2018’de
 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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