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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
14 Haziran 2019 Cuma - 17:23

Optimised Kögel Parts Shop with new intelligent warranty management

Kögel has extended and modernised its online replacement parts service, the "Parts Shop". Thanks to a layout that is even clearer than before, faster navigation and a simple search by keyword, vehicle identification number (VIN) or item order number, the shop now offers even better cost effectiveness.

Optimised Kögel Parts Shop with new intelligent warranty management

As well as impressing users with huge time savings when placing orders, the optimised Parts Shop offers a new warranty portal, an order history function with delivery tracking, and a spare parts catalogue and current price lists for download.

Kögel Parts Shop: The 24-hour online assistant

The Kögel Parts Shop can be found under the "Parts" tab in the navigation bar on the Kögel website. There are three ways to place an order quickly. Either enter a keyword or item number and directly move the product to your basket, or place an order via the vehicle identification number: In this case, the Parts Shop displays all spare parts – along with their availability – for the individual assemblies of the vehicle in question. You can also display the technical drawings of the spare part product groups. Once you have selected the spare parts you need in one of these two ways, you enter the desired shipping method and your order is created in your shopping basket. The shopping basket shows a clear summary of the selected spare parts along with their availability. Kögel customers can trace their order at any time, via the order history. Here, you can view information about past and present orders.

NEW: Warranty portal for vehicles and individual spare parts

As well as allowing you to quickly and easily order spare and wear parts around the clock, the Kögel Parts Shop offers a brand new, intelligent integrated warranty management tool. Under the "Warranty" tab of the navigation bar in the Kögel Parts Shop, you can create a claim really easily in six guided steps. These steps include, for example, the direct selection of spare parts from the vehicle parts list, the paper-free submission of invoices and a current status display of the submitted claim. This ensures direct, bureaucracy-free warranty management.

Online trade fair discount

All invited spare parts customers who visit the Kögel trade fair stand during the transport logistic trade fair from 4th to 7th June 2019 will receive a code that gives them a special 5% discount on online orders for all eligible spare and wear parts. This voucher is valid up to and including 31st July 2019.

NFI Group acquires Alexander Dennis to create market-leading global bus and coach manufacturer
Kögel introduces the NOVUM-generation Cargo Rail
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