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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Haziran 2019 Perşembe - 17:00

Let The Excitement Begin For Optifuel Challenge 2019

Optifuel Challenge, a biennial driving competition organized by Renault Trucks, selects the most efficient drivers on the international platform

Let The Excitement Begin For Optifuel Challenge 2019

Optifuel Challenge, a biennial driving competition organized by Renault Trucks, selects the most efficient drivers on the international platform. For the fifth edition of the competition, 2,000 drivers from 25 countries get to the starting point this year. The logistics companies, selected as the most cost - effective drivers of each country after the semi-qualifications, will compete in the international final in Lyon in October to win the 2019 Renault Trucks T High tractor award.

Continuing since 2012, focusing exclusively on economic driving, the Optifuel Challenge demonstrates both Renault Trucks' commitment to support drivers in fuel savings and a global approach to driver services by sustainably reducing fuel consumption from the first kilometer.

2,000 drivers from 25 countries participate in the 2019 semifinals of the Optifuel Challenge. Each country organizes the country's semifinals to identify the most cost-effective drivers.

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