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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Haziran 2019 Perşembe - 17:06

Sarp Intermodal Preferred Tirsan Again

One of the leading intermodal transportation companies, Sarp intermodal and the reliable leader of Turkey, Tırsan transport have completed the delivery of 120 Kässbohrer swap bodies K.SWA C + fleet, which has 200 units in total, as a result of their cooperation.

Sarp Intermodal Preferred Tirsan Again

Tırsan continues to be the first choice of logistics companies with its widest product range. Offering intermodal transport services between Europe and Turkey with offices in Bulgaria, Italy, and Germany, Sarp Intermodal preferred Tırsan again and added 120 Kässbohrer swap bodies K.SWA C + to its fleet, which has 200 units in total.

We Produced the Lightest Swap Body of Europe

Indicating that as Tırsan, they will continue to grow abroad this year, Çetin Nuhoğlu said that; “In this way, we both see new trends abroad and understand the challenges there, as well as new perspectives and business models of customers. Based on these observations, we decided to move towards intermodal transport, and last year we made the lightest Swap Body in Europe and exhibited it at the 67th IAA Fair. Sarp Intermodal is one of the leading companies in intermodal transportation. After 20 Swap Body vehicles delivered to them last year, we now deliver 100 K.SWAU C +, and at the end of the year we will deliver 80 more vehicles.

Tırsan is Our Only Choice In Fleet Investment

Pointing out that they prefer Tırsan only for their fleet investments because of their quality, operational flexibility and efficiency, Onur Talay, Chairman of Sarp Intermodal said that; “As Sarp Intermodal, we celebrated our 5th year two days ago. Since then, we are in the position of the company that provides the most movement in terms of numbers, especially on the side of the container, which we use extensively. However, there were areas we couldn't touch in the transportation we made with closed boxes and we decided to invest in Swap Body. Our preference for these vehicles could not be any other than Tırsan, which we started to cooperate with 3 years ago and we gained quite efficiency from the chassis which allows us to carry up to 26 tons and weighing 3800 kg. All the chassis and container investments we will make after that will continue to be Tırsan.”

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 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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