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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
19 Mart 2019 Salı - 13:13

PACCAR Recognizes 10 PPM Quality Award Winners

PACCAR recognized 337 suppliers in 26 countries on four continents for achieving "10 PPM" quality award winners.

PACCAR Recognizes 10 PPM Quality Award Winners

PACCAR annually recognizes suppliers who meet or exceed PACCAR’s rigorous “10 PPM” quality standard. This is the equivalent of 10 defective parts for every million components shipped to PACCAR. These awarded suppliers must also meet demanding criteria for delivery performance, customer support and business impact. This year, PACCAR recognized 337 suppliers in 26 countries on four continents for achieving this high level of quality performance.

“PACCAR had record-high demand for our trucks in 2018. Our 10 PPM suppliers delivered extraordinary quality to PACCAR in a growing market, allowing PACCAR to deliver customers the highest quality trucks in the industry,” said Debra Poppas, PACCAR vice president of global quality. “We appreciate the commitment of these suppliers as we work together to exceed the high expectations of our customers.”

“We congratulate the 2018 10 PPM award winners for their achievement,” said Darrin Siver, PACCAR senior vice president. “These suppliers are important partners for PACCAR, providing outstanding support for our engineering, manufacturing and aftermarket processes.”


PACCAR'ın '10 PPM' Kalite Ödülü Kazanan Tedarikçileri Belli Oldu
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