Pozkrone is based in Tarnowo Podgórne (near Pozna?) in western Poland, and the company premises cover a total area of around 30,000 square meters. 17 employees work here in the areas of administration, after sales, accounting and used vehicles, while a further 20 sales representatives are responsible for the nationwide distribution of Krone vehicles. Pozkrone also operates a well-developed workshop and service network, so that original Krone wear parts are readily and quickly available throughout the country.
Tomasz Kujawa and Maciej Michalski have been running the company since 2006. On its 30th anniversary, they can look back on outstanding milestones: in October 2007, the 10,000th Krone semi-trailer was handed over, in 2016, more than 5,000 Krone units were delivered in Poland in one year for the first time, and on 29 January 2021, Pozkrone ordered a record 830 vehicles in Werlte.
Bernard Krone, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Bernard Krone Holding: ‘’On behalf of the entire Krone Group, we would like to congratulate Pozkrone on its 30-year success story! Together with the Pozkrone team, we have achieved impressive results over the past three decades - which have always been characterized by determination, commitment and in-depth knowledge of the market. The people at Pozkrone are a valuable part of our Krone family and a shining example of a strong partnership. We look back on everything we have achieved together with great appreciation and look forward to further successes together.’
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