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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
26 Ocak 2022 Çarşamba - 17:34

QUANTRON Hosts the Online Premiere of its All-electric 12m City Bus CIZARISE

E-mobility specialist Quantron AG is launching its own all-electric city bus. The vehicle CIZARIS will be showcased worldwide as part of an online presentation. Bus operators, bus fans and the general public will be able to follow the event on February 16 at 10 am (CET) at event.quantron.net live.

QUANTRON Hosts the Online Premiere of its All-electric 12m City Bus CIZARISE

The zero-emission city bus is initially available as a BEV version with a price that is below the current price level for comparable BEV buses. In this way, Quantron AG seeks to enable environmentally friendly passenger transport and offer a cost-effective alternative to conventional diesel buses. The FCEV version of the 12 m vehicle with fuel cells from Ballard Power Systems is already under development.

The 12 m bus relies on proven and safe technology and LiFePo4 batteries from the world's leading manufacturer CATL.  The charging power is up to 80 kW with a battery capacity of up to 422 kWh. With a range range of up to 360 km according to E-SORT 2, the bus meets the requirements to cover daily city operation with an overnight charging time of 3 to 5 hours. Various equipment options will be available to suit individual customer requirements.

Michelin Türkiye Pazarlama Direktörü Gözde Alpaslan, "Yılın En İtibarlı Lastik Markası Seçilmiş Olmaktan Ötürü Büyük Bir Memnuniyet Duyuyoruz"
DHL Supply Chain Türkiye OPEX Direktörlüğüne Kaner Pakiş Atandı
 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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