The air ducts have an enlarged cross-section and the optimum arrangement of the ducts directs the air to the rear of the body and then back to the front. This uniform air circulation throughout the entire structure ensures that the goods always maintain a reliable temperature. Return air barriers above and on the sides of the circulation wall prevent hot and cold air from mixing. This helps ensure optimised air circulation.
The new distribution system also improves handling efficiency. For MultiTemp transport, the partition wall can now be positioned without any additional work. The partition wall effectively seals the air ducts, automatically distributing the air only in the front area up to the partition wall.
The innovative mounting of the air ducts using quick release connections enables easy and hygienic cleaning. The reliability of the new air distribution system has been officially confirmed: DEKRA has certified the test procedure for the uniform air distribution when loaded. Reliable and efficient load securing is also guaranteed. The vertical load securing beams can be positioned quickly and easily between the air ducts to secure the goods.
The new Cargobull Interface System (CIS) ensures high-performance communication between driver and trailer. The CIS control unit is mounted on the bulkhead of the trailer and provides three essential functions: It serves as a battery monitor and switches off additional consumers if the voltage of the connected refrigeration unit falls below a specified level. It also provides proactive information to the TrailerConnect® Web portal and the beUpToDate app. In addition, the CIS also ensures tractor unit detection and, thus, replaces the TCI (TrailerConnect® Interface). The system uses stored algorithms to reliably recognise which trailer is coupled to which tractor unit. This ensures that possible damage or even criminal offences can be traced quickly and reliably. A further advantage of tractor-trailer recognition is that the truck and trailer coupling is not handled by the portal but rather via a trailer-based wireless RFID hardware solution. This results in a highly reliable truck and trailer coupling. For more convenient use of the beSmart app in the driver’s cabin, the CIS also serves as a Wi-Fi amplifier.
The TrailerConnect® KeyPad is fitted on the bulkhead on the left-hand side in the direction of travel and provides another high safety factor. Protected access to the load is only possible by entering a PIN code. This device enables the user to enter an access code to open or close the doors, guaranteeing excellent security for the freight and the driver. The door locking system works in conjunction with the cooling units from all common manufacturers.
Optionally, the S.KO COOL SMART with standard TrailerConnect® telematics can also be equipped with the temperature printer. This printer is also mounted directly on the trailer’s bulkhead and can print out temperature records on location.
The feature provides 21 languages, along with information about the last twelve months. These new services are now available to all customers with the new printer update. This includes the configuration of a customised temperature history printout with data from the last 12 months, which can be controlled directly via the printer, via the S.CU cooling unit display or via the beSmart app, depending on the function.
About Schmitz Cargobull:
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