“Our wheels help customers increase payload while saving fuel and reducing maintenance,” said Istvan Katus, Vice President of Howmet Wheel Systems. “Fleets are increasingly turning to our lightweight, durable wheels and this expansion will help us capture that ongoing growing demand.”
This greenfield expansion increases Howmet’s footprint in Székesfehérvár with production expected to begin at the end of 2021. Howmet’s Wheels business entered the commercial transportation market in Europe almost 25 years ago with just 32 employees and has grown to more than 600 today in Hungary. The new facility is expected to bring almost 90 new jobs to the region.
Alcoa® Wheels are made from one piece of fully forged aluminium, making them up to 51% lighter and five times stronger than steel wheels of the same size, increasing payload and fuel efficiency. By converting from steel to Alcoa® Wheels, a regular truck and trailer combination can shed up to 204
kilograms and cut up to 13.3 metric tons of CO2 emissions over the life of the wheels. For city buses, weight savings delivered by Howmet’s wheel solutions improve fuel efficiency and help extend the driving range of electric buses. The wheels are available in a variety of surface options, including the easy-care, corrosion-resistant Dura-Bright® EVO and with 17 percent added strength, compared to the industry standard, the MagnaForce® alloy enables an even stronger wheel making Ultra ONE® the strongest aluminium wheel in its class.
About Howmet Aerospace in Hungary
Howmet Aerospace has been present in Hungary since 1993 when the company acquired majority shares in Székesfehérvári Könny?fémm? (Köfém). In Hungary, Howmet Aerospace manufactures forged aluminium wheels, aero engine and industrial gas turbine components, highly engineered, multi-material structures for aircraft and fasteners for the aerospace industry. Howmet Aerospace employs around 1,200 people at its two sites, Székesfehérvár and Nemesvámos. In 1996 it opened its global shared service centre in Székesfehérvár which now provides financial and administrative support for Howmet Aerospace locations globally. The company has invested more than USD 8 million in community initiatives since 1993.
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