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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
25 Eylül 2018 Salı - 11:45

Transparency in the Supply Chain With Kögel Telematics

Kögel will unveil an advanced version of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality at IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018. The comprehensively optimised premium refrigerated box trailer has not only been adapted to market requirements for transporting fresh and frozen food as well as pharmaceutical products, but is also suitable for general use thanks to a variety of options.

Transparency in the Supply Chain With Kögel Telematics

Standard Highlights of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality

The low-noise aluminium floor construction reduces noise generation when loading and unloading. This reduction in noise emission makes deliveries outside regulated opening hours easier. The new premium refrigerated box has a welded aluminium floor pan for improved hygiene and easier cleaning of the floor. This prevents moisture from penetrating the load-bearing structures, significantly increasing service life and cost-effectiveness. It goes without saying that the trailer also fulfils the HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) requirements for safeguarding consumer health with regard to temperature-controlled food transports in international goods traffic. In addition, the new Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality complies with ATP/FRC requirements. The maintenance and repair-friendly stainless steel portal is equipped with an optimised four-fold door lip seal and aluminium hinges on the doors, both of which are easily replaceable.

Box body with improved insulation

The box body of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality contains a high-quality, more advanced, highly insulating, 100-percent CFC-free special foam polymer. The robust, easy-to-maintain steel ceiling layer is also coated with hard PVC film on the inside. The 45 or 60 mm thick walls, 85 mm thick ceiling, and 125 mm thick floor are made in house and ensure a significantly improved thermal transfer coefficient (K value). This efficient protection against temperature effects reduces energy consumption and cuts costs.

Customised equipment on show

The version of the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality that will be on display is fitted with the Kögel LUXIMA multi-chamber LED tail light with integrated rear monitoring, which took third place in the international "Trailer Innovation 2017" awards. To save space, the rear monitoring sensors and platform approach aid are built into the LUXIMA tail light and licence plate holder, dispensing with the need for additional installation space at the rear. For easy day-to-day handling, the refrigerated box is equipped with new optional assistance features. A contact switch turns the interior lighting on or off when opening or closing the portal, rather like an actual refrigerator. A chamfered bracket makes the temperature recorder easy to use and read, even when the vehicle is coupled with a trailer. The front wall features an information display showing the refrigeration unit's fuel tank display. For fast, reliable load-securing, drivers have the option of stage and anchor rails foamed directly into the walls. For example, up to 33 Euro pallets can be loaded along each of the 12 stage rails per side wall along with the corresponding pallet carriers. The trailer also comes with the EN 12642 Code XL load-securing certificate as standard. This shows that it is particularly suitable for form-locked transport of general cargo and palletised goods. Of course, the Kögel premium refrigerated box is also available with a wide range of individual equipment for the most diverse of requirements in the various fields of use. The IAA showpiece demonstrates one of many different protective bumper options. In addition to a pair of double steel traction rollers, there are two rows of rubber protective bumpers on the frame closure panel and a rubber protective strip mounted left and right of the portal frame. For optimum protection of the front wall and the evaporator as well as for improved airflow, the Kögel Cool – PurFerro quality is equipped with the optional Kögel impact bulkhead. This bulkhead, which consists of individual aluminium V-profiles, is not only flexible and easy to dismantle for cleaning, but also provides the best protection, even under the toughest conditions. Additional protective bumpers are fitted to the internal front wall as pallet stops below the bulkhead. The Kögel CLIMATEX air-duct serves 90% of the body length and 80% of the body width for optimum distribution of cooled air. The display model is also equipped with a longitudinally sliding and folding transverse partition for applications with two different temperature zones. As an additional option, the showpiece displays the ro-ro equipment for unaccompanied ship and ferry transport. This includes two suction valves and four pairs of heavy-duty lashing rings with a test strength of 12,000 kg and signage according to EN 29367-2. The trailer has an additional corner reinforcement in the front section of the fifth wheel coupling, which protects the front of the vehicle against damage, especially during ferry transport involving frequent hitching and unhitching. To ensure that the lights are even better protected when approaching the ramp, the underride guard can be supplied offset by 190 mm to the front. To improve road safety and prevent accidents caused by turning, the refrigerated semi-trailer is equipped with optional flashing side marker lights. Other optional extras include an axle lift on the first axle, a self-steering axle, a pallet storage box for 36 pallets, a pallet storage box for eight pallets with a spare wheel attachment option, and much more.

Kögel Telematics

PurFerro quality is fitted out with a Kögel trailer telematics module. The cooler telematics package collects data such as real-time position, coupling status, EBS data, door contact switch and, of course, temperature sensor and recorder data.

High degree of customisation and country-specific equipment

PurFerro quality is available in two versions. One is a general-purpose cooler with 45 mm side walls. The other, with 60 mm walls, is designed for frozen transport. It goes without saying that a wide range of individual equipment for both variants are also available, such as a load securing system with barrier bars for transporting plants on roller racking. To secure the locking bars there are five rows of perforated rails in the ceiling and five rows of holes on the floor. With additional options and a pharma certificate, the trailer is also suitable for transporting pharmaceutical products in accordance with the EU GDP Directive. Country-specific equipment includes an axle lift for the first and third axles, a self-steering axle, a fifth-wheel load of up to 15 t, a Spanish spare wheel storage compartment, and for the French market, a central ladder and a reinforced roller protective bumper.





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