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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
24 Eylül 2018 Pazartesi - 10:56

Wide Range of Applications for Temperature-Sensitive Goods

At IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018, Kögel is exhibiting a concept vehicle featuring the new Kögel Box Light in its 3-axle version with plywood walls and lightly insulated roof. With a low tare weight of 6,100 kilogrammes and in the basic version, the Kögel Box Light boasts up to 730 kilogrammes of extra payload compared to the standard model. The new lightweight dry freight box body provides maximum payload alongside premium transport quality and protection from environmental influences and theft.

Wide Range of Applications for Temperature-Sensitive Goods

Box body with plywood sides and insulated roof

The sturdy lightweight chassis, which uses the Kögel modular system, withstands every ramp and any forklift truck with its consistent modules, assemblies and components and its standard reinforced rear frame. The box body of the Kögel Box Light consists of 20 millimetre thick plywood composite panels with GFRP coating. The smooth GFRP surface makes the sides highly impact-resistant. They are also easy to clean. The 40 millimetre thick insulated roof, produced in-house, comes with a high-quality, advanced and highly insulating special foam that is 100 percent CFC-free. The 30 millimetre thick floor for is designed for a forklift axle load of 5,460 kilograms. In addition, the Kögel Box Light has a load-securing certificate as standard, in accordance with DIN EN 12642 Code XL.

Kögel KTA trailer axle

The Kögel KTA trailer axles fitted on the lightweight box trailer are easy to maintain, whilst providing excellent tracking and reliability. The KTA's unique "double suspension", made from a soft rubber bearing and a spring steel wishbone, not only enhances the driving characteristics of the trailer but also reduces tyre wear.

A wide range of individual features

The Kögel Box Light is, of course, also available with a wide range of customised equipment for the most varied of applications. In the version on show at IAA Commercial Vehicles 2018, the inside of the front wall is fitted with a 12 millimetre thick and 1,250 millimetre high textured coated board to protect it from damage during daily use. For enhanced impact protection, the rear of the box is also equipped with rubber bumpers and a transverse Delta rubber profile on the end plate of the frame. This equipment prevents damage even in the harshest conditions. For optimum load-securing of partial loads, there are combination steel anchor rails mounted at a height of 800 millimetres on the side walls. A space-saving and custom-bonding mechanical roll-up door for fast turnover has also been installed on the trailer exhibited at the IAA Commercial Vehicles. With optional lightweight equipment such as aluminium rims, aluminium air tanks, an aluminium side guard and lightweight tyres, the Box Light dry freight box body has even more payload. To improve road safety and prevent turning accidents, this lightweight box is equipped with optional flashing side marker lights. Other individual equipment includes Kögel LUXIMA LED multi-chamber combination tail lights, an axle lift for the first axle, a toolbox and much more.

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