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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Temmuz 2018 Cuma - 14:11

WABCO signs first export deal

WABCO Signs First Power Steering System Export Deal in India to Supply Tata Motors


WABCO Holdings Inc. (NYSE: WBC), a leading global supplier of technologies that improve the safety, efficiency and connectivity of commercial vehicles, today announced its first major steering system deal in India following its September 2017 acquisition of U.S.-based R.H. Sheppard, a key supplier of industry-leading steering technologies for commercial vehicles.

Demonstrating WABCO’s strong commitment to expand and to globalize its steering business beyond the U.S., this latest supply agreement with Tata Motors in India represents an important first milestone in delivering leading steering solutions to customers internationally.

As a full systems tier one supplier to Tata Motors, WABCO is equipping the manufacturer with its hydraulic power steering systems, helping them to meet increasing demand for new heavy-duty trucks locally following recent legislation changes to restrict axle weight loads. WABCO’s globalized integrated supply chain, local engineering expertise and ability to rapidly respond to Tata Motors’ requirements, are helping ensure this original equipment manufacturer’s continued success as India’s commercial vehicle market leader.

WABCO’s M110 heavy-duty hydraulic power steering gears and assemblies meet Tata Motors' power-steering performance and reliability requirements. M-Series gears have been the industry design standard since 1986 and use the highest quality materials and components manufactured to extremely rigorous tolerances.

“This landmark steering technology agreement with Tata Motors in India is another example of WABCO’s powerful ability to globalize our rich technology portfolio,” said Jorge Solis, WABCO President, Truck, Bus and Car OEM Division. “Further augmenting our advanced driver assistance and braking systems with our industry-leading steering capability makes WABCO uniquely placed to serve OEMs in every market.”

“We are delighted that the introduction of WABCO’s industry-leading steering systems for the first time in India further differentiates our strong partnership with Tata Motors, while helping them to meet this additional level of demand,” added P. Kaniappan, WABCO India Managing Director. “As the only commercial vehicle supplier able to offer both braking and steering capabilities in India, WABCO is uniquely placed to provide our customers with increasingly higher levels of automation.”

Full dynamic control of commercial vehicles – lateral and longitudinal – is necessary to progressively achieve the commercial vehicle industry’s vision of autonomous driving. Providing lateral control through WABCO’s active steering capability is a cornerstone which powerfully complements its ability to control longitudinal movement through active braking, stability and suspension control systems.

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