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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
21 Haziran 2018 Perşembe - 16:17

From A Deep History To A Strong Future

Sector's well-established company Baktac is now even more powerful at it’s new location with its technologically strengthened equipment and experienced team.

From A Deep History To A Strong Future

As the first tarpaulin manufacturer in Turkey, Baktaç prepares to meet its customers at its new location with its renewed infrastructure, technology and strong team.

The sector's well-established company Baktaç has brought tarpaulin production to Turkey for the first time in 1982 and with the expansion of the sector, it has embarked on a self-development process to meet new demands in the sector. Baktaç has established a much larger factory and infrastructure in accordance with the increasing demand and requirements. The company continues its production at its new factory. Located at İzmit Organized Industrial Zone, the factory is found on a total of 14 thousand square meters with 5300 square meters of indoor space. Thanks to its İzmit factory and 7 branches across Turkey, the company manufactures at international standards using technologically advanced new equipment and expert technical personnel.

Baktaç not only manufactures the best tarpaulin of Turkey but also renews, protects and strengthens them. Baktaç can offer solutions anywhere across Turkey and with its transition to the automation system, it improves its quality once again through fewer manpower and faster production.

Traditional Approach Meets Technology

In addition to the vehicle, one of the most important aspects of transportation in the logistics sector is the trailer on its back. And the main product that ensures well protection and containment of the products carried inside the trailer against external dangers, is tarpaulin. Today, production of the tarpaulin in illegal or technologically weak conditions, also brings various risks along with it. Baktaç is the first company in Turkey to start production by solving the main aspects of tarpaulin and adding technology to those aspects to establish an infrastructure at European standards. There are various alternative products in the sector; however, Baktaç has redefined the standards of the business. It produces such a product that in addition to the structure of a trailer, the tarpaulin almost ensures the basic protection of the trailer while adding strength to it.

Baktaç manufactures and installs all kinds of trailer, truck and semi-trailer tarpaulins. The company also manufactures the classic and curtainsider system tarpaulins, curtainsider system CODE XL, P400, curtainsider-fixed roof tarpaulins.

Thanks to its curtainsider system CODE XL, Baktaç ensures load safety in the transportation sector. The company's tarpaulins that feature the CODE XL standard, are different from other tarpaulins in terms of both production method and quality of material. The most important difference at this point is its improved resistance. In case of an accident or a sudden manoeuvre, it prevents any rips on the tarpaulin as well as any other fractures on the clasps or other mechanisms on the vehicle. CODE XL Certificate is awarded at the end of various assessments and tests of testing institutions.

Baktaç also protects the loads and products with its anti-theft wire system that is both effective and deterrent against load thefts. In addition to its product variety, Baktaç also proves its strength in the sector with its custom tarpaulins. The company offers 5 years of warranty for its tarpaulins.

Baktaç can offer solutions anywhere across Turkey and with its transition to the automation system, it improves its quality through fewer manpower and faster production.  

Baktaç Redefines the Standards

Baktaç continues its quality and expertise in tarpaulin production at its digital printing workshops.

Thanks to the Phaeton Solvent digital printing machine and lamination machine at its digital printing workshop. the company extends the lifetime and improves the quality of its prints. The technology prevents colours from fading, whatever the brand and how many years they are used. Normally, the warranty period for this technology is 3 years; however, Baktaç can extend that up to 5 years.

With meticulous and expert operators, the Phaeton Solvent digital printing machine can achieve the most vibrant colours on the printed surface at 1440 DPI quality, a printing width of 3200 mm and a printing capacity of 100 square meters/hour. The workshop is used to make direct printing on foil, vinyl, truck tarpaulin and rolls while the lamination machine at the workshop ensures longevity against fading colours by using high temperature drying process that helps better penetration of the print.

Baktaç's digital printing technology and expertise are utilized in various other fields as well. The workshop also offers tractor truck foil logo applications, rear door foil/painted logo applications, box body logo inscription (foil-print-paint), logo design, reflective strip applications and tarpaulin logo inscription services.

Stronger and Newer Than Before

Baktaç uses its long years of trailer-related know-how to serve other segments of the sector as well. In addition to tarpaulin production, the company has also realized a production infrastructure at its Trailer Service Shop that would transform old, worn out or inoperable trailers into more durable, functional and stronger trailers through new technologies.

Thanks to the trailer repair and restoration procedures carried out at the Trailer Service Shop, the vehicles become stronger and newer than before.

Baktaç also supplies original trailer parts and offers restoration services for every brand. Whether it is a global or local production vehicle, the vehicles are transformed into a state better than new, using and supplying original spare parts when necessary.

Trailer Shop services also include; classic system to curtainsider system transformation, sliding roof revision, rear door transformation, lift-master installation (roof lifting), damaged vehicle restoration, preparation of the trailer for inspection, truck-pick-up body production, trailer sand-blasting and painting, tipper system and tarpaulin services.

As Baktaç has introduced the basics of the current tarpaulin technology in Turkey, it continues its mission to be the leader of the sector through its experience, strong technological infrastructure and services.

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