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22 Haziran 2018 Cuma - 13:43

Strong R&D Reliable Production

As the leader of the Turkish vehicle mounted equipment sector and one of the largest companies of the Aegean Region, Katmerciler has attended Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete Association's Beton İzmir 2018 Fair and launched its concrete and construction sector vehicles.

Strong R&D Reliable Production

At Beton İzmir Fair, we've met Tolga Canıdar, the Special Sales Manager of Katmerciler that operates in the sector with an extensive product line-up that ranges from vehicle mounted equipment to the defence industry. Canıdar has indicated that at the fair, they've displayed their tankers and aluminium silobas products that have been certified by ADR, a European standard for safe transportation of dangerous goods. He said: "Our factory's products range from environmental trucks to garbage trucks, road sweepers, cesspit emptiers and canal jetting vehicles. Aside from those, we have our special products like cylo trailers, ADR-certified tankers, fuel tankers and aluminium tippers. In addition to these, we also have defence industry solutions. So, in that sense, our company conducts very significant R&D operations."

Canıdar has stated that it is very pleasing to see the organization of sectoral fairs in Turkey. He said: "We try to be as selective as we can. Looking at all the fairs organized in İzmir, in different provinces or different regions, we don't attend each and every fair. We want to attend the key fairs of these sectors to ensure that they can give us clear results when combined with our products."


"We Want to Offer National Products to Our Country"

Canıdar has also shared details about Katmerciler's products and services: "Found in 1985, our company has swiftly advanced in the equipment and to this day, it has achieved various innovations in Turkey. There is only a few companies that manufacture different types of products in Turkey. We don't just have a few products and services; prior to launching them in our country, we ensure that each product can be produced and assembled in some way. Currently, our factory's products range from environmental trucks to garbage trucks, road sweepers, cesspit emptiers and canal jetting vehicles. Aside from those, we have our special products like cylo trailers, ADR-certified tankers, fuel tankers and aluminium tippers. In addition to these, we also have defence industry solutions. So, in that sense, our company conducts very significant R&D operations. We operate according to the demands of the Undersecretariat for Defence Industries. There are only a few companies that manufacture these in our country. We make great efforts about development. For many years, we have offered riot control vehicle services to the General Directorate of Security and Gendarmerie General Command. And for the last 2 years, we've been manufacturing tactical wheeled armoured vehicles and personal transportation and deployment vehicles. In that sense, we want to eliminate external dependence and offer national products to our country. We've received significant number of orders and we began the deliveries for these products. This gives us confidence for both our country and our defence. We're eliminating the concerns about external dependence in the future. For us, this is the most important weapon. We're in a problematic region due to the geopolitical position of our country. In that sense, we're responsible for manufacturing the best at maximum performance and offering it to our state. We have nearly 600 employees. We manufacture and work night and day with over 70 R&D personnel."


"Incorrect Production Means a Ticking Bomb on The Road"

Canıdar has underlined that Cylo Trailer is one of the main reasons they've attended the fair and said: "Compared to the competition, our product has various technical advantages. However, in case of its incorrect use and incorrect production, it becomes a ticking bomb on the road. As it is a pressure vessel considering its payload, there can be major issues at high pressure levels. In order to prevent that, this product must be manufactured using very advanced level of engineering calculations and production methods. In that sense, it is a product that began production as a result of two and a half years of research. When you start out to manufacture this product today, you need to work at least 3 and a half to 4 tears before you can correct launch it. It has a design created by the combination of the lightest and highest quality materials in the market. Our engineers and R&D personnel have conducted significant projects to create this design."


"We're Trying to Ensure One Hundred Percent Local Production"


Canıdar has emphasized that it is not possible to ensure one hundred percent production due to lack of certain products in our country: "We supply certain components, axles and production materials from abroad. We're trying to ensure one hundred percent local production very soon. However, import products have been used to ensure standards on most of the products manufactured to this day. For the last three years, we began to see that these products are becoming producible by various domestic manufacturers."


"Our Goal Is to Be Number One in The Sector"

Canıdar has shared details about the other product they've exhibited at the fair, the ADR-certified tanker. He said: "We've been manufacturing our ADR-certified tanker for the last three years. It features a gross volume of 38 thousand litres. When you consider it as a highly renowned product manufactured through automation welding, it has certain technical advantages over its rivals. All the important elements that ensure safe travel of the product have been calculated. Looking at the current vehicles operating in the sector, this vehicle has the lowest center of gravity. We provide a very significant technical advantage compared to its competitors. Absolute safety, meaning the user, driver and public safety, is very important. We manufacture these products by calculating even the smallest tolerance levels. Additionally, we manufacture these vehicles to be as short and trouble-free as possible in terms of ease of use. A vehicle has to be controllable while parking to ensure that it is reliable. So, we're trying to achieve that. Our product is one of the shortest trailers. Technically, the vehicle's lightweight makes it a perfect product. So far, it has taken us to a great point without any trouble. It has also achieved a very fast rate and position among the market. We're moving towards our goal. Our goal is to be number one in the sector. So, we continue to work to achieve that."

"We Respectfully Follow Our Competition"

Canıdar has stated that their goal is to offer their products all around the world and shared the following details about their export countries: "We began exporting these products to nearly 14-15 countries. Our company makes exports to over 70 countries. Most of our products have quickly received demand and we currently have companies that request dealership rights from us. They've reviewed and used the product. And it began to take its place in the market as it has pleased lots of people. We believe that we will have Turkey's highest export rate in the future. We have partner companies in various countries. We invest in many countries like Russia, Georgia and Bulgaria. In that sense, we've gained momentum. Our market position state has improved with each day. At the end of two years, we took the second place in the Turkish market. This is an indicator that shows us that we're on the right track towards our goal. We see that we're taking firm steps towards our goal. And we also respectfully follow our competition. We will continue to take steps on this path. We will continue to offer products and services in both domestic and abroad at significant number of orders."


"We've Achieved Our Expectations and We're Moving on That Path"

"Honestly, 2018 is a narrow year. There are various external factors in our country. Economy was significantly affected in the first quarter with the tensions in Syria and USA's initiatives at this region. Due to the early election decision at the beginning of the second quarter, the sector has entered a time of expectation and pulled the market down even further. Even beyond expectations, it has rather taken us to a point of delay. However, the sector didn't come to a complete stop. Purchases and investments continue. In that sense, we've been affected to a certain level; however, our business didn't come to a complete stop. As a company that also focuses on exports, we've concentrated towards exports. So, I can say that we haven't been affected too much. We see an increase in our exports level. As Katmerciler, we've of course been affected; but, looking at it for today, we've fortunately achieved our expectations and moving on that path."

ROTA Yeniden İhracat İlk 1000’de
Large Meeting Of The Construction And Concrete Sectors
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