If we look at the size of exports, Ankara ranks 6th according to the data of the year 2020. This is important data. Based on this data, we decided to give Ankara the first place.
The main purpose of creating this file is to examine the situation whether the export event, which had great hopes, was realized at the desired level. Yes, we do export, let's do more; however, do all kinds of arguments support this request? The main purpose is to understand that!
What is the situation for the manufacturer? Can small, medium or large scale industrialists find foreign markets to sell their goods and thus contribute to the country's economy, and fully utilize the potential?
So, what is the situation for the transporters carrying these export cargoes? Can they fulfill the necessary conditions and deliver the cargo to the buyer without any problem, at the time they guaranteed?
Does the legislation support both the exporter and the transporter? To what extent do the problems experienced in the customs process, blockages at the gates, security and cost problems affect these two important sectors. Therefore, what effect does it have on the export performance that we have high hopes for?
Setting goals is nice, but it's an easy step. The second step, the third step and the ones that follow are directly proportional to the ability to execute and manage. You have taken the first step, set a goal, but if you cannot drive the vehicle, you will be stuck where you are. Or you can't reach your target at the time you target. The further you can poop, the further you go.
Based on this fact, we handed the microphones to all parties. We asked our questions from the manufacturer to the transporter, from the NGO to the customs officer, and we got the answers. Does this vehicle run or will it run? How does it accelerate or even sprint to reach the target at the desired time?
What did they say? The answers are on the pages…
Whoever speaks in this file is of great importance for the sector. Valuable people who can look at the event from a very broad perspective with both their commercial activities and their knowledge and experience.
Each spoken sentence contributes to the subject. I think our file will be of interest to you.
In a new year, My Truck Magazine will always be on your desk in print and on the air regularly every month, as it is in all our channels. Paper prices have skyrocketed, distribution costs have tripled, printing, don't even ask the staff! But no matter what happens, we will continue to serve our industry in the same way, if God allows. We'll be there as long as you're there. So glad we have you! So glad we are here!
Yours sincerely
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