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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Haziran 2018 Çarşamba - 10:51

"Ford Trucks Has Sold One Out Of Every Two Vehicles"

Ford Trucks has displayed its Ford Trucks 3533M new 6x4 lightweight Mixer, 4142P Pump as well as its 4142XD and 1842T heavy construction tractor truck models at the meeting point of the construction sector, 'Beton İzmir 2018 Ready-Mixed Concrete, Cement, Aggregate, Construction Technologies and Equipment Fair that was organized at İzmir Fair Center.

 Ford Trucks Has Sold One Out Of Every Two Vehicles

We had a chance to make an interview with Murat Bakış who has been Ford Trucks Turkey Sales Manager since January 2018. Murat Bakış has also assessed Beton fair's first-time in İzmir and upon our question about their new projects, he told us that they will soon make the launch for their new tractor trucks.

Bakış has indicated that they attend Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete Association's Beton Fair each year and said: "The visit and attention of our İzmir customers have made us very pleased. In addition to meeting our customers, we've also organized delivery ceremonies at the fair. Throughout the fair, we've presented our plaques for the deliveries of the vehicles we've sold to Turkey's leading concrete companies. Today, we've presented a plaque to Kadıoğlu Concrete and THBB President Yavuz Işık at the delivery ceremony. They've also began using their Ford Trucks vehicles."

"We're Very Pleased with The Demand"

Bakış has indicated with pleasure that a lot of customers from the Aegean, Central Anatolia and Marmara regions have come to visit. He said: "In addition to the ready-mixed concrete companies, aggregate companies, quarry operators and contractors have also visited our stand. There are a lot of ready-mixed concrete companies in the Aegean Region that are or aren't members of the Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete Association. However, almost all of these companies are among our customer portfolio. And we've met them all at this fair. Our mounted-equipment manufacturer business partners, concrete pump and mixer manufacturers and distributor have also visited our stand. We're very pleased with the demand."

"Ford Trucks Has Sold One Out Of Every Two Vehicles"

Bakış has stated that they've attended the fair with 4 different vehicles and said: "This year, our stand has hosted our 1842T tractor truck that is optimal for both road and construction site conditions, the 4142P pump model that was launched last year, our 4142XD tipper series that was developed for the harsh construction site conditions as well as the newest player of our light mixer series, the 3533M that was launched only recently this year. In addition, we also have our 8x4 concrete pump and mixer vehicles displayed at the stands of the fair's participants. We also have our new heavy-duty tipper model, which is called 8x4 tipper XD, on display at the fair. We have only recently developed this vehicle and launched it in the 3rd quarter of last year. It has been developed, reinforced and prepared according to the demands of our customers that operate at the 3rd airport's construction site. With all these improvements, in the first quarter of 2018, we have reached nearly 47 percent of the market shares in the 'x4' segment. So, we can actually say that Ford Trucks has sold one out of every two vehicles in the 8x4 and 6x4 construction segment. If we take a general look at the market, we've completed the first quarter of 2018 with 32.4 percent of the marketshares. According to TAİD's data, we're one of the best-selling brands of the 16-ton and higher heavy commercial vehicle market."

"Market Grew in Size"

Bakış has assessed the first quarter of 2018 and said: "At the beginning of 2018, we've estimated that it would be a much better year than 2017. And the performance of the first 3 months has showed us that. Almost all brands have achieved a better sales performance in 2018, compared to the first quarter of 2017. Meanwhile, the market grew in size. We need to consider the early election decision by looking at it from a short and medium/long term perspective. As long as the macroeconomic plans remain unchanged - which is our expectation - we don't expect a negative impact from it. As ford Trucks, we haven't made any changes to our plans and we aim to reach a better sales number than last year."

Upon our question about Ford Trucks’ new project, Bakış has stated that they are working on a new tractor truck and said that the new vehicle will be launched very soon and that it will be introduced to the press members and customers in full detail.

Ford Trucks Defies Even the Harshest Conditions with Its Construction Series

Ford Trucks' new models include tippers, mixers, heavy construction and concrete pump type vehicles and they offer an extensive variety that covers each area of the sector from earth moving to ready-mixed concrete. Ford Trucks construction series has adapted to different mounted equipment with its extended product range while its smart maintenance interval that can reach up to 2250 hours, offers significant improvement in operating costs. Ford Trucks' construction series can climb the hills at the harsh operating conditions of construction sites using the increased torque levels that can reach up to 2150 Nm. Meanwhile, these vehicles can also constantly keep its power in check with its 400 KW engine brake. On even harsher conditions the construction series puts out a total of 1000 KW braking capacity with its optional 600 KW Intarder, allowing it to travel safely over hills and climbs with even the heaviest loads on its back.

Another important feature of the new Ford Trucks construction series is the 'automatic transmission' option. The automatic transmission has been designed especially for heavy construction site conditions with class leading features. Its Off-road and Rocking modes allow smooth operation for the users on all sorts of conditions. With 22% improvement on the turning circle, the number of manoeuvres in narrow construction site conditions have been significantly reduced to improve efficiency.

New Heavy Construction Series

Ford Trucks offers superior durability in even the toughest construction and construction site conditions with its new 4142 XD model. Equipped with the 13R 22,5 size tyres that ensure easier drives on harsh surfaces, long lasting double disc clutch, reinforced rear suspension system, fuel tank protector and optional sump guard, the Ford Trucks 4142 XD model redefines the meaning of a durable vehicle. The development and tests of the 4142XD have been completed under harsh construction site conditions. Thanks to its durability and superior performance on even the most difficult conditions, it has been designed to be your reliable partner in the field.

New Favourite of Construction Sites

In addition to its 3542M, 4142M, 3542P and 4142P models that serve the needs of the construction sector's concrete operations; Ford Trucks now meets the requirements of the sector with its new 6x4 and 8x4 lightweight mixers that feature a 9L engine, rubber suspension, disc brakes and 8-ton front axle capacity. The company has added the 6x4 3533M and 8x4 3233M models that are equipped with the 9L engine that produces 330 PS, disc brakes and rubber suspension to its product line-up in order to meet the demand for an ultra-lightweight 6x4 and 8x4, and introduced its new mixer series that is up to 980kg lighter. The rubber suspension offers superior shock damping and flexibility while maximizing its efficiency by its easy maintenance and part replacements that reduce the service time of the vehicle. Thanks to its weight advantage, the lightweight mixer series will become the most popular model of construction sites by performing more duties in fewer trips and offer many advantages to the customers.

In addition to the standard disc brake application of Ford Trucks' current 3542M and 4142M mixer models, they can also be customized through different transmission types and cabin modules for different operation sites. The mixers are compatible with 9 m3 to 12 m3 mounted equipment and offer a combination of lightweight and power with their 10 mm 500 MPa chassis that is used for heavy construction site operations and their optional rubber suspensions. Additionally, the mixer model shines out with its optional 12-speed automatic transmission that allows different driving modes for terrain conditions.

Ford Trucks also offers different options to its customers on its concrete pump models that are powered by the 13L 420PS engine. The 6x4 3542P model is offered with a 4500m wheelbase while the 8x4 4142P model is offered with the 5100 mm and 6000 mm wheelbase options, which make it compatible with the 42 and 47m concrete pump mounted equipment application.

"Sharing the Load"

In the last 10 years, Ford Trucks has doubled its marketshares through its new product and engine technology investments, facility infrastructure investments, launched services as well as its product development strength according to customer expectations. As Ford Trucks has reached 33% marketshare in the Turkish construction segment and 27,7% in the total market last year, it continues to make its product investments according to the needs of its customers. Ford Trucks meets the needs of the market with its trucks that are developed for heavy operating conditions, its lightweight mixer model that became the new favourite of construction sites as well as its tractor trucks that have been manufactured for harsh construction site conditions. As an indicator of its success, the company has nearly 1.000 trucks at Turkey's large projects like 3rd Airport's construction, Northern Marmara Motorway and Çanakkale Bridge. 

Ford Trucks carries out all of its activities with its motto: "Sharing the Load" and meanwhile, it continues its growth in the global markets at full speed. Following the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Turkic Republics, Ford Trucks continues its growth with its dealership inaugurations in various European countries. Last year, the company has increased its sales in international markets by 50%. Ford Trucks maintains its global growth plans of taking position in a total of 50 countries as of 2020 and exporting one out of every three vehicles it produces.

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