Ford Otosan CEO Haydar Yenigün said: "As Ford Otosan, we will not only increase our strength in the global arena but also reinforce our leading position in the sector by redefining the standards of the upper segment with the new tractor truck we've developed through our high engineering competence for international transportation."
Turkish automotive industry's leading company Ford Otosan prepares to launch its new tractor truck in October. Thanks to its 500 PS engine, 2,50 m. cabin width, power and performance developed for even the harshest conditions as well as its comfort-centric large voluminous design, Ford Trucks' new tractor truck will redefine the standards of the upper segment. With its new tractor in the upper segment, Ford Truck will raise its engineering and competitive capacity to a whole new level in both Turkish and global markets.
Yenigün: "We Will Raise Our Competitive Capacity in The Global Arena with Our New Tractor Truck"
Ford Otosan CEO Haydar Yenigün has underlined that their goal is to write a global narrative in the Turkish automotive industry and in his statement, he said: "As Ford Otosan, we've maintained our leading position in R&D since our foundation and through our position, we continue to make our investments that will shape the future of the sector. Following the Middle East, Africa, Russia and Turkic Republics, our heavy commercial vehicle brand Ford Trucks continues its growth by inaugurating new dealerships in Europe. Last year, we've increased our international market sales by 50 percent. We maintain our global growth plans of taking position in a total of 50 countries as of 2020 and exporting one out of every three vehicles produced. As Ford Otosan, we will increase our strength in the global arena with the new tractor truck we've developed through our high engineering competence for international transportation. We will also reinforce our leading position in the sector with our new tractor truck that will redefine the standards of the upper segment. We will constantly raise our indigenousness rate through our continuous investments to all our processes from R&D to production and we will continue to add value to the Turkish economy. We enthusiastically continue our operations to have a say in the future technologies of our sector and add new global success stories to our industry."
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