HİDROMEK has been the market leader of backhoe loaders for the last 10 consecutive years and of crawler excavators for the last 7 consecutive years. With the launch of its motor grader in 2017, it also took the leadership of the product group for the first time.
HİDROMEK General Manager Ahmet Bozkurt has stated that they are very happy to add value to the Turkish construction machinery sector and said: "We've been proudly carrying the leadership of our national construction machinery sector for many years. Our goal is to continue this success for many more years with the trust of our qualified human resources, all our stakeholders as well as with our customers in particular. Our main priority is to offer solutions for the different demands of our customers through our production technologies, R&D and design capabilities. Accordingly, we continue to make new investments and develop new products. We began producing majority of main components we used to previously import, like transmissions, axles and hydraulic reductors, at HİDROMEK Production Headquarters located in Ankara. This allows us to increase our level of local production while creating more added value and employment for our country. "
Küfür, hakaret içeren; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapan; yasalara aykırı ifade ve beyanda bulunan ve tamamı büyük harflerle yazılan yorumlar yayınlanmayacaktır. Neleri kabul ediyorum: IP adresimin kaydedileceğini, adli makamlarca istenmesi durumunda ip adresimin yetkililerle paylaşılacağını, yazılan yorumların sorumluluğunun tarafıma ait olduğunu, yazımın, yetkililerce, fikrim sorulmaksızın yayından kaldırılabileceğini bu siteye girdiğim andan itibaren kabul etmiş sayılırım. |