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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
2 Temmuz 2019 Salı - 18:12

10 Years Partner: Torello and Krone Celebrate

The Italian logistics service provider Torello and Fahrzeugwerk Krone - together with the Italian Krone importer Real Trailer - recently celebrated 10 years of cooperation between the two companies at the Krone site in Lübtheen. In keeping with the occasion, 50 new Cool Liners were officially handed over.

10 Years Partner: Torello and Krone Celebrate

Antonio Torello, Chief Transport Officer of the Torello Group, thanked on behalf of the Torello family for the loyal and trusting cooperation. "As so often in life, a good relationship between two people is the basis for a long-term professional relationship. In our case, it was the Pigozzi family from Real Trailer who presented us not only the Krone products, but also the Krone family. The quality of the vehicles and of course the values lived in the Krone family business quickly convinced us and since then we have been a loyal customer. The refrigerated vehicles offer excellent quality and the various equipment variants offered by Krone make our daily work much easier."

Andreas Völker, Krone Director International Sales and Stefano Savazzi, Director Sales at Real Trailer took the opportunity and invited the Italian guests to a detailed tour of the Cool Liner production in Lübtheen, where the Torello team could experience the ultra-modern production at first hand and finally receive a new Torello refrigerated trailer. Andreas Völker and Stefano Savazzi thanked Torello on behalf of the Krone family and the entire Krone team for the trust they have placed in Krone for a decade now. "Torello is one of the most important logistics and refrigerated goods specialists in Italy, convincing its customers with absolute quality. In this respect, we are very much looking forward to the future cooperation, because we are sure that both companies will continue to grow together".

İlave İkili Özbekistan Geçiş Belgeleri Ülkemize Ulaşmıştır
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