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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
18 Haziran 2019 Salı - 16:11

Krone Profi Liner wins ''Top Trailer Slovakia 2019''

The Krone Profi Liner has now been awarded the title "Top Trailer Slovakia 2019". More than 1000 votes from the Slovakian transport industry were cast in the category of trailers; the Krone Profi Liner was awarded first place in this category. Milan Pagá? and Kvetoslav Bolti?iar, Managing Director of Krone Importeurs Trailer Partner Slovakia a.s., received the award, which has now been presented for the 15th time by the trade journal "Transport and Logistics" at the international logistics con

Krone Profi Liner wins  Top Trailer Slovakia 2019

The Profi Liner from Krone is a true all-round vehicle that can be used flexibly for a wide variety of purposes. For example, the 30 mm thick, waterproof, glued and all-round sealed panel floor, which is designed for floor loads of up to 7000 kg stacker axle load, stands for practical equipment. The load securing equipment, which can be extended using the modular principle, is also practical. The Profi Liner is equipped as standard with the proven MultiLock outer frame with lashing options at a distance of 100 mm. The Krone trailer axles are also professional, for which Krone gives a guarantee of six years - without mileage restrictions in on-road use in the EU.

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