Every year, US truck manufacturer PACCAR, of which DAF is a wholly-owned subsidiary, presents awards to suppliers who meet or exceed its strict "10 PPM" quality standard. "10 PPM" means that a maximum of ten parts per one million components supplied to PACCAR may be defective. Suppliers must also meet stringent requirements to get the award, including delivery performance and customer service.
“Our innovative Holland fifth wheels are available ex works from all leading truck brands, including DAF. This award underscores the partnership that we have built up in recent years, and provides further incentive for us to continue to deliver top performance with our Holland fifth wheels in the future," says Dr. Rainer-Rudolf
Gärtner, Head of Truck Business Europe at SAF-HOLLAND in Singen. In 2018, PACCAR recognised 337 suppliers in 26 countries on four continents for attaining the required high level of quality performance. SAF-HOLLAND is the only manufacturer in Europe to be honoured with an award for its high-quality fifth wheels.
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