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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
26 Haziran 2019 Çarşamba - 13:17

Kögel Makes Truckers’ Creams Come True at The Truck Grand Prix 2019

As the official sponsor of Team Hahn-Racing, Kögel will be present at the 34th International ADAC Truck Grand Prix at the Nürburgring from 19th to 21st July. At Stand R27, Kögel will be presenting the Kögel Trucker Trailer – a further variant of the perfect trailer for truckers.

Kögel Makes Truckers’ Creams Come True at The Truck Grand Prix 2019

The NOVUM generation Kögel Trucker Trailer

The starting point for the KTT was the payload and weight-optimised frame and body of the NOVUM-generation Kögel Lightplus. At the request of the pros who responded to our survey, the KTT has a whole raft of individual equipment: The Light trailer is fitted with lightweight equipment, such as aluminium rims and aluminium air tanks, to achieve the highest possible payload. In addition, the KTT comes with the Kögel FastSlider quick opening and closing system. This is Kögel's response to driver requirements for shorter loading times, and has made loading and unloading faster, simpler and safer. The new and improved trailer also comes with a wide range of useful options for drivers.

KTT competition*

The first 350 people to correctly answer three questions about the exhibited Kögel Trucker Trailer in writing will have the chance to win an exclusive KTT T-shirt at the Kögel stand.

All social media fans who post a photo of the summer relaxation set in front of the KTT, consisting of two Kögel loungers and a Kögel barrel table, with the corresponding hashtag, will get the chance to win this relaxation set.

Meet & Greet with five-times European Champion Jochen Hahn

Truck racing champion Jochen Hahn will be available to meet his fans during the Meet & Greet at the Kögel stand at 4:40 p.m. on 20th July. Jochen will be pleased to answer all of his fans’ questions and to sign autographs.

Fund-raising for the "Trucker’s World – Fahrer helfen Fahrern e.V." support fund

For a small donation to the "Trucker’s World – Fahrer helfen Fahrern e.V." support fund at the Kögel stand during the Truck Grand Prix 2019, you will get a pair of trendy 2019-edition Kögel sunglasses or a Kögel straw hat to protect you from the sun.**

Anadolu Isuzu Busworld Central Asia Fuarına Katıldı
World Premiere For Racing Car With Steer-By-Wire Technology
 Onay bekleyen yorum yok.

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