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4 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi - 14:44

Anadolu Isuzu's Total Number off Midibus And Bus Sales to the France Market Reached 1,000 By The End of 2021

Anadolu Isuzu continues to add new milestones to its overseas successes. Anadolu Isuzu, which is reported to have increased the number of vehicles sold to the French market to 1000 in total as of the end of 2021, celebrated this success with a special ceremony attended by its business partners, customers and French press in the city of Valence.

Anadolu Isuzu s Total Number off Midibus And Bus Sales  to the France Market Reached 1,000 By The End of 2021

Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu continues to add to its successes in foreign markets. Anadolu Isuzu, which has delivered a total of 1,000 midibuses and buses only to the French market as of the end of 2021, celebrated this success, which it considers a symbolic milestone, with a special event held in the city of Valence. It was stated that Anadolu Isuzu's French distributor Fast Concept Car managers as well as its business partners, customers and representatives of the French automotive industry press in this country attended the event. Making a speech at the event, Anadolu Isuzu General Manager Tuğrul Arıkan said that; “As Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu, 2021 was a year in which we broke historical records for our company in midibus and bus exports. This year, we became the midibus export champion for the 18th time. As we expand into new markets abroad, we continue to strengthen our presence in existing markets. France is one of our top priority markets. With Fast Concept Car, which has been our distributor in France since 2015 and increasing its market share every year, we are very happy with this success, which we see as a turning point in achieving greater goals. We have achieved many firsts with Fast Concept Car in the French market. We exported our first fully electric bus, the NovoCITI Volt, to France last year. We will expand the NovoCITI Volt family with new models this year. France ranks first among the markets where our Kendo CNG alternative fuel bus, which is also the winner of the 'Sustainable Bus of the Year 2022' award in Europe, is in highest demand. Thanks to its 100 percent Biogas compatible CNG engine, Kendo provides clean emissions with its more environmentally friendly feature. Offering significant advantages in fuel saving, Kendo offers an ideal solution in both service transportation and tourism transportation areas thanks to the comfort and functionality it offers.”


Arıkan stated that sustainability is one of the top priorities for Anadolu Isuzu. Stating that Anadolu Isuzu has recently signed the international Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) against the negative effects of climate change, Arıkan also reminded that the commercial vehicle industry has joined the "Drive to Zero" initiative, which aims to achieve 100% zero emissions in new truck and bus sales by 2040.

Karsan at Busworld Turkey 2022 With Its Electric Models
IVECO Bus Exhibits Sustainable Mobility Solutions at Busworld
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