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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
4 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi - 13:59

MirrorCam is Available on Mercedes-Benz Trucks with its Enhanced Features

The MirrorCam system, which has been used in Mercedes-Benz trucks since 2018, has been extensively updated. It is stated that the second generation of MirrorCam, which is stated to have brought various innovation awards to the brand, has been used in Actros, Arocs and eActros series as of April 2022.

MirrorCam is Available on Mercedes-Benz Trucks with its Enhanced Features


It is stated that MirrorCam consists of aerodynamically designed cameras mounted on both sides of the vehicle, instead of the usual mirrors in trucks, and 15.2-inch (38.6 cm) screens integrated into the A-pillars in the cabin. In addition, it is stated that MirrorCam, which reduces air resistance with its aerodynamic design, provides fuel savings of up to 1.3 percent.

Mercedes-Benz Turk Truck Marketing and Sales Director Alper Kurt made the following statements regarding the innovations offered in the second generation of MirrorCam: “We continue to renew our products in line with market needs. The conversations we and our umbrella company Daimler Truck have with our customers and their experience in their daily activities have provided us with a basis for further development on MirrorCam. In this way, we offer our MirrorCam system, which is even more advanced in terms of image and security, in our trucks.”

“Shorter Camera Arms Offer Many Advantages”

It is stated that the camera arms of the second generation MirrorCam system have been shortened by 10 centimeters on both sides. It is emphasized that this feature helps drivers to back up with the vehicle in a straight line more easily compared to the first generation MirrorCam system. It is stated that this update brings the viewing angle of the second generation MirrorCam closer to the viewing angle characteristics of conventional mirrors, while another advantage of shortening the arms is that it reduces the possibility of the camera arms hitting roadside objects, including cabin models with a width of 2.5 meters.

“Improved Image Quality”

As part of the update work, it is stated that a drip edge has been added to the bottom of the MirrorCam system to prevent rainwater from reaching the camera lenses and causing unwanted visual effects. It is also noted that the tone mapping feature has been further developed, which allows adapting an image to accurately display the wide variety of color tones present in an environment, essentially producing an image with sharper contrast. It is stated that thanks to the improvement of the color and brightness adaptation of the camera system, which currently offers an extremely bright image, a clearer image is provided; for example when backing up to a facility that is dark or does not have good lighting.


“Higher Safety and Driver Comfort”


Thanks to the improvements made, the MirrorCam system can be used more efficiently. It is stated that MirrorCam, which is stated to support the driver in situations such as overtaking, maneuvering, limited visibility conditions, dark, cornering and passing through narrow areas, also helps the vehicle to be used much more safely.


It is stated that the turn assistant, working together with the MirrorCam system, supports drivers especially in complex traffic conditions and confusing intersections. It is mentioned that the system warns the driver as part of a multi-step process by intervening within the limits of the system in unexpected situations, such as when the driver does not notice a cyclist or pedestrian when making a right turn. It is stated that when the optionally available Active Side View Assist (ASA) system is available in the vehicle, it can activate the vehicle's automatic braking system up to 20 km/h cornering speed, and the system also carries out visual warnings via the MirrorCam screen.

It is noted that the features such as wide-angle view mode during reversing maneuvers, to better evaluate the distance between the vehicle and the objects behind the vehicle in motion. features such as display of distance lines on the screen, moving camera view by angle while cornering, and monitoring the vehicle environment during breaks, which were presented in the first generation of MirrorCam and received positive feedback, continue to be offered in the new generation MirrorCam.

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