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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
4 Haziran 2022 Cumartesi - 14:40

Karsan at Busworld Turkey 2022 With Its Electric Models

Karsan continues to grow with its electric models with the motto of being "One Step Ahead in the Future of Mobility". By exhibiting its all-electric model family at Busworld Turkey 2022, Karsan managed to attract all eyes with its new electric growth strategy e-Volution.

Karsan at Busworld Turkey 2022 With Its Electric Models


Karsan Domestic Market Sales and Foreign Relations Deputy General Manager Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu,


Emphasizing that Karsan has achieved a strong growth trend especially in export markets with its electric vision, Karsan Deputy General Manager of Domestic Market Sales and Foreign Relations Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said: “In 2021, our e-JEST and e-ATAK models became the best-selling electric vehicles of their class in Europe. This year, we aim to grow at least twice as much in electric vehicles. With our electric development vision, e-Volution, we aim to position the Karsan brand among the top 5 players in Europe."

Karsan made a show of strength with its electric model family at Busworld Turkey 2022. Indicating that 90 percent of Turkey's electric minibus and bus exports for the last 3 years have been realized alone, Karsan has once again demonstrated the importance it attaches to electric mobility at Busworld Turkey 2022. Karsan presented the 6-meter e-JEST, 8-meter e-ATAK, 12-meter e-ATA as well as the 10 and 18-meter e-ATA models together for the first time at the fair.

“Growth Will Continue Exponentially With Leading Electric Models!”

Emphasizing that Karsan has achieved a strong growth trend especially in export markets with its electric vision, Karsan Domestic Market Sales and Foreign Relations Deputy General Manager Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said: “In 2021, our e-JEST and e-ATAK models became the best-selling electric vehicles of their class in Europe. . This year, we aim to grow at least twice as much in electric vehicles. With our electric development vision, e-Volution, we aim to position the Karsan brand among the top 5 players in Europe.”

“We Became The First Brand In Europe To Offer A Range Of Electrical Products From 6 To 18 Meters”

Emphasizing that Karsan is acting with the vision of "One Step Ahead in the Future of Mobility", Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said that; "The heart of the automotive is transforming from internal combustion engines to electric ones. As the most important leg of this transformation, we launched our e-JEST model in 2018. A year later, we launched e-ATAK and then introduced the e-ATA family, the largest of our electrical product range. Thus, as Karsan, we have become the first brand in Europe to offer a product range of all sizes, from 6 meters to 18 meters, in all dimensions.”

“We Will Enter North America With E-JEST”

Explaining his targets for this year, Muzaffer Arpacıoğlu said: “We want to grow at least twice in electric vehicles. We address the entire market and aim to be one of the top five players in the market. The cards are being mixed again and we will position the Karsan brand in the top 5 in Europe with our electric development vision e-Volution. We will also enter North America with e-JEST, just like in Europe. Our preparations continue. Most importantly, we will double our current position in turnover, profitability, employment and R&D capacity. We will increase the number of our employees with the support we will provide especially to women employees in the field of employment. Karsan's target for this year is times two.”

“E-JEST with High Maneuverability Offers a Range of Up to 210 Km”

The e-JEST, which is stated to have proven itself with its high maneuverability and unmatched passenger comfort, can be preferred with a BMW production electric motor producing 170 HP power and 290 Nm torque and also BMW produced 44 and 88 kWh batteries. It is stated that e-JEST, which is reported to show the best performance of the 6-meter small bus class by offering a range of up to 210 km, is able to recharge its batteries at a rate of 25 percent thanks to its regenerative braking system that provides energy recovery. It is stated that e-JEST, which is equipped with a 10.1 inch multimedia touch screen, fully digital instrument panel, keyless start, USB outputs and optionally Wi-Fi compatible infrastructure, does not match the comfort of a passenger car with its 4-wheel independent suspension system.

“With Its Powerful Engine, It Can Cope With All Road Conditions”

It is stated that the maximum battery capacity can be increased to 300 kWh for 10 meters, 450 kWh for 12 meters and 600 kWh for the model in the 18 meter class. It is stated that the electric hub motors of Karsan e-ATA positioned on the wheels provide 250 kW maximum power and 22.000 Nm torque at 10 and 12 meters, enabling e-ATA to climb the steepest slopes without any problems. At 18 meters, the maximum power of 500 kW shows full performance even at full capacity. It is noted that the product range of e-ATA, which is mentioned that it fully adapts to the different geographical conditions of different cities in Europe, also impresses with its futuristic exterior design. It offers passengers an unobstructed range of motion by offering a fully low floor in the interior. It is stated that e-ATA, which does not compromise on passenger capacity despite its high range, can carry 79 passengers at 10 meters, over 89 at 12 meters, and over 135 at 18 meters, depending on the preferred battery capacity.

“300 km Range, Level 4 Autonomous Software”

It is stated that in the Autonomous e-ATAK model carried out by Karsan R&D, cooperation was made with another Turkish technology company, ADASTEC. It is reported that Level 4 autonomous software developed by ADASTEC, Autonomous e-ATAK, is integrated into the electrical-electronic architecture and electric vehicle software. It is stated that Autonomous e-ATAK gets its power from batteries with a capacity of 220 kWh developed by BMW and reaches 230 kW of power and meets the needs of customers. It is noted that the 8.3-meter dimensions, 52-person passenger capacity and 300 km range of Karsan Autonomous e-ATAK make the Autonomous e-ATAK a leader in its class. Autonomous e-ATAK can be charged in 5 hours with AC charging units and in 3 hours with DC units.

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