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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
24 Şubat 2023 Cuma - 14:23

Brand News

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Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu took over the carcass production operations of FZK, one of the powerful and experienced manufacturers of the automotive supplier industry, and incorporated it into its own structure.

Turkey's commercial vehicle brand Anadolu Isuzu continues to add new steps to strengthen its production infrastructure in line with its growth targets. In this context, Anadolu Isuzu recently took over the carcass production activities of FZK, one of the leading and experienced manufacturers of the automotive industry.

With the partial transfer agreement signed, it takes over the machinery park of FZK for the production of metal sheets, semi-finished products and related by-products, which are one of the important basic components in automotive production and defined as carcass. The agreement also includes the transfer of FZK's expert staff in the field of carcass production, its existing stocks and know-how in this field to Anadolu Isuzu.

Within the scope of the agreement, Anadolu Isuzu will manufacture the carcass and related by-products it needs in the new period, under its own title, at FZK's production facilities in Gebze. FZK, which will transfer its carcass production operations to Anadolu Isuzu with the partial transfer process, will continue its current activities in other industries other than carcass production.

Anadolu Isuzu General Manager Tuğrul Arıkan said in his assessment on the subject that; “As Anadolu Isuzu, this takeover agreement, which we signed in line with our future vision and growth strategies, is of great importance for the scale development of all our production operations. With this big step forward we have taken to realize the strong growth we aim for especially in midibus and bus production, we have incorporated FZK's carcass production, expert workforce and knowledge in this field. As Anadolu Isuzu, we will continue to contribute to the production, export and economic development of our country with the investments we have made in line with our goals that we constantly raise.”



Renault Groupe and Nissan Motor Co Ltd have announced new initiatives to take their Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi alliance partnerships to the next level, with the approval of their boards of directors.

A three-dimensional program will be conducted to maximize value creation for all Alliance stakeholders:

• Carrying out high value operational projects in Europe, Latin America and India

• Enhanced strategic agility through new initiatives that business partners can participate in

• Rebalanced Groupe Renault-Nissan mutual shareholding and strengthened Alliance management plan

Renault Groupe and Nissan have signed a binding framework for the above-mentioned transactions to reach final agreement by the end of the first quarter of 2023. Details of the binding framework agreement were announced at a meeting of all partners held in London.

The new Alliance agreement will enter into force for an initial period of 15 years.

The plans envisioned in these definitive agreements will be subject to a limited number of precedent conditions, including regulatory approvals, and the plan is expected to be completed in the fourth quarter of 2023.

This far-reaching program will renew and strengthen the 24-year partnership, leveraging the leading technologies of the three Alliance members, creating a new and agile spirit. This will create further growth opportunities, paving the way for each alliance company to secure their operating efficiencies to innovate and transform in the rapidly changing market.


Naturelgas's EBITDA reached 887.3 million TL in 2022

Naturelgas, the leading player of the transportation natural gas sector, announced the financial results of 2022. Naturelgas's gross profit increased by 609 percent compared to the same period of the previous year and rose to TL 971.9 million. The company's EBITDA increased by 826 percent to 887.3 million TL. Naturelgas's net profit of TL 26.1 million in the previous year reached 767.3 million TL at the end of 2022.

Natural Gas Support from Naturelgas to Earthquake Zone

Speaking about the earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş -based and affecting 11 provinces, Naturelgas General Manager Hasan Tahsin Turan said that; “I wish God's mercy to those who lost their lives in earthquakes and condolences to their relatives and all our citizens. It is our greatest hope that our wounded have their health as soon as possible. As Naturelgas since the first moment of the earthquake, we have mobilized all our facilities. While sending life containers to the region, we provided natural gas support, especially in order to meet the energy needs of health institutions and hospitals. ”

‘We Continued With Capacity -Enhancing İnvestments Without Interruption’

Evaluating the financial and operational performance of the company's financial and operational performance, Turan said: “For Naturelgas, the year 2022 was a year above all the targets we set. In 2022, where we achieved very successful results compared to the previous years, we significantly increased the number of districts and towns where we reached the city gas business. In 2022, when we were experiencing significant developments in profitability in the field of cast CNG, we continued our capacity -enhancing investments without interruption. Our GES project, which we started to invest in 2022, will be completed in the first quarter of 2023 and play an important role in reducing the costs of our company. In 2023, we will continue our successful work with our teammates to show the same success. We will continue to strengthen our leading position in the transportation natural gas market and diversify our activities. ”



DKV Mobility has achieved significant success in the commercial electric mobility sector, nearly quadrupling the number of public full-access and restricted-access charging points in two years.

DKV Mobility, Europe's leading company-to-business mobility platform for on-the-road payments and solutions, is steadily growing its network of charging points. DKV Mobility customers can now charge their electric vehicles at approximately 413,000 points across Europe using the DKV Card +Charge or the DKV Mobility App. DKV Mobility thus gains access to one of Europe's largest electric charging networks.

Charging Points Quadrupled in Two Years

Sven Mehringer, General Manager of DKV Mobility Energy and Vehicle Services, said that; “We have positioned ourselves as one of the largest service providers in electric vehicle charging by surpassing 400,000 charging points in Europe. In addition, we offer our customers charging solutions in their company or at the homes of drivers driving company vehicles. Thus, we provide comprehensive solutions for electric vehicles that meet the daily needs of our customers.”

GreenFlux, which is a subsidiary of DKV Mobility and carries out vehicle charging services, focuses on collaborations and working with business partners in this direction. As a result of this approach, DKV Mobility has quadrupled the number of charging points since September 2020, when it announced the commissioning of its 100,000th charging point.


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