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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Haziran 2019 Perşembe - 16:46

Continue To Believe In Quality And Us

By a visit to the factory with the attendants selected among the important Cool Liner users from the Mediterranean region, Krone had the opportunity to acquaint the users with the giant factory in Lübtheen where the Cool Liner refrigerated vehicle, that attracted intense interest in Turkey, has been produced.

Continue To Believe In Quality And Us

Krone International Sales Director Andreas Völker hosted the users who came from Turkey to visit the factory and Krone Turkey Sales Director of Ömürden Özacar and Krone's regional sales manager Selcuk Akdöner accompanied them. Indicating that in the most of the production, they with robots in the light of Industry 4.0 and they refer to the advances in technology, Andreas Völker said that; “We are pleased to host very important users from Turkey in our facilities. Together we visited the most modern commercial vehicle manufacturing facility in Europe. We informed them about the production processes followed and our technological innovations. If a quality is mentioned in the vehicles we have introduced, we have tried to explain here that this is not coincidence. As I passed on to users from Turkey, we work very hard. We always focus on improving ourselves for our users. I kindly ask all users and shippers from Turkey. Continue to believe in quality and us.”

We Conduct Manufacturing According to User Demands

Krone Turkey Sales Manager Ömürden Özacar said that; “First of all, I express my gratitude to my dear friends and Krone users who are with us here. Together we have witnessed how the technology is used and how high-quality refrigerated trailers are produced to the finest detail. As I said before, we produce the most complicated vehicle of the trailer sector here. I would like to reiterate that Krone quality is not a coincidence and that we, as Krone, produce Cool Liner at the highest technological standards. Our refrigerated trailer allows the transportation of all food products at suitable temperatures. In addition, the most sensitive chemicals and drugs can be transported safely with our trailer which we produce with Farma certificate. According to the demands of the users, we conduct manufacturing the Cool Liner with double deck, intermediate compartment and meat hook.”

IVECO is The Technical Sponsor
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