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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
13 Haziran 2019 Perşembe - 16:36

Iveco is More Stronger in Antalya!

SAMKO Automotive, which is one of the oldest authorized services of Iveco in Turkey, offered its new facility to service in Antalya. IVECO has strengthened its presence in Antalya and its region with the new facility of SAMKO, the authorized service it has opened on the Antalya-Burdur highway.

Iveco is More Stronger in Antalya!

Speaking at the opening ceremony, SAMKO Board Member Bilal Oktar said that; "We believe in Iveco's strong future, and today we are pleased to open our new facility by introducing Iveco's newest products. In our total area of ??4 thousand square meters, 950 thousand square meters of indoor area and 2 thousand 200 square meters of outdoor area are available. In our 850 square meters service area, we have the capacity to serve 15 vehicles at the same time. We serve with 27 staff in our facility.

 Cooperation with Şahinler Automotive

In the front area of the facility, there is also a 300 square meter modern indoor showroom which allows vehicle exhibiton and sales activities of IVECO Antalya are carried out here by Şahinler Automotive, one of IVECO's strong dealers. Sahinler Automotive, the leading IVECO dealer in the Aegean Region, sells all models of IVECO with its team specialized in all commercial vehicle segments.

"Our goal is to be closer to our customers"

Speaking at the ceremony, Deputy General Manager of Iveco vehicle, Tansu Inco said that; "As IVECO Turkey, we are the fast-growing brand and our market share has grown more than twice the last 9 years. Today, in Turkey, we are the third brand in the 3.5 tonnes and more of truck segment with a market share of 7.8 percent, we are serving with 27 sales points and 54 service points. Within the framework of IVECO's restructuring efforts, we are introducing the new modern facility of SAMKO. Our goal is to be closer to our customers with all our strength in terms of both product and service. I would like to thank the SAMKO family for demonstrating their belief in IVECO by building this modern facility. I would also like to express my gratitude to Şahinler Automotive, our Aegean Region distributor, for its successful sales activity with its experienced team.

Vehicle Of The European Truck Championship
IVECO is The Technical Sponsor
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