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5 Şubat 2022 Cumartesi - 17:34

IVECO ANKARA Dealer ÖZGOZDE INC. Heavy Vehicle Sales Manager Erhan Şükrü Şahin, We Make All Kinds Of Vehicles Manufacturedfor Our Customer's Demand

We are talking with IVECO Özgözde Automotive, which is one of the important dealers in Ankara and has been supplying IVECO brand vehicles to the sector since 1994, about its products, the convenience it provides to its customers and the impact of the current crises.

IVECO ANKARA Dealer ÖZGOZDE INC. Heavy Vehicle Sales Manager Erhan Şükrü Şahin, We Make All Kinds Of Vehicles Manufacturedfor Our Customer s Demand



Öykü İmset, News Manager of My Truck Magazine, addresses questions to Özgözde Ankara IVECO Heavy Vehicle Sales Manager Erhan Şükrü Şahin. Details are here…

Stating that Özgözde was founded in 1994 and has continued its activities until now, Şahin states that it operates in Ankara, Bursa and Eskişehir. Şahin said that; “We moved to our current plaza in 2017. Our location is an area of ??approximately 10 thousand square meters. In this area, we have a vehicle showroom of 550 square meters, an open area of ????6 thousand 400 square meters and a closed area of ????7 thousand square meters. 2 thousand 400 square meters of our closed area is also our service area. In our service area, we can serve approximately 20-25 vehicles per day. Our entire service consists of experienced personnel. This offers us the opportunity to respond instantly to the customer and to provide quality service.”

“ADR is Standard in All of Our Tractors”

Stating that S-WAY, which serves in the tow truck group in international transportation, has been renewed since 2019 and currently has Euro 6 emissions, Şahin said: “In 2021, our vehicles were produced with 480 horsepower and 510 horsepower. Our 480 hp vehicle was an 11 liter engine, and our 510 hp vehicle was a 13 liter engine. All of our vehicles that will come in 2022, on the other hand, have changed as 13-liter engines, 490, 530 and 570 horsepower. This situation has been beneficial especially in vehicles traveling long distances and in international transport companies in terms of less fuel consumption and longer distance travel. One of the most important features of our tractor trucks is that ADR is standard in all of them.”

“It Can Provide Our Drivers With A Home Environment In The Vehicle”

Mentioning the reasons why international shipping companies prefer S-WAY, Şahin said: “S-WAY can provide our drivers with a home environment in the vehicle. As IVECO, we offer this to our drivers. We have the highest cabinet; drivers can move more comfortably. We have a refrigerator and a cooler inside. We provide drivers with a comfortable resting and sleeping area with beds with increased comfort.”

“The SCR System Provides a Great Time Benefit”

Mentioning another important feature of IVECO, Şahin draws attention to the fact that the vehicles only work with the SCR system. Şahin continues his words as follows: “We do not use the EGR system, the SCR system is used entirely. SCR does the regeneration of the vehicle without waiting. There is no loss of time for regeneration in the vehicle. Because for this, the vehicle has to stop, spend a certain hour there and then continue on its way, whereas in the SCR system there is no need for such a situation. It provides a great time benefit. As IVECO, we have optional features, but we try to adapt these options to the vehicle as much as possible. In other words, instead of offering an option, we are trying to give this comfort to the company and the driver. That's why we have very few and certain options, other than that, all of our vehicles are almost the same.”

 “We Can Produce Special Vehicles According to Our Customer's Demand”

Emphasizing that they are working for their customers to buy the most suitable vehicle and that special vehicles are produced for the customer, Şahin said that; “We do not sell vehicles, we sell the appropriate vehicle. Our customers know the tools, but they may not know which tool is more accurate. We do not want to sell the vehicle to our customer just to have sold it. First of all, we are trying to find out which tool is the most suitable for him. As IVECO, we are able to produce special vehicles for our customers in line with the demands we receive, apart from our standard equipment.”

“IVECO Overcomes the Raw Material and Chip Crisis”

Stating that there were vehicle problems during the pandemic period and that they could not bring the requested vehicles like all brands, Şahin said: "But there are no problems with the vehicles at the moment. We started to sell incoming vehicles. IVECO left behind the raw material and chip crisis. We have been planning since October. Plans and programs were made on the problems that may arise and the products that can be supplied. We will start to see the benefits of this. As of the end of February, most of the vehicles we have ordered will begin to arrive. IVECO manages this process very well and professionally.”

 “IVECO Will Continue to Support Its Customers”

Noting that IVECO's new campaigns will be on the agenda, Şahin said: “We are trying to offer our customers different finance alternatives. IVECO will continue to support its customers with our new campaigns throughout the year.”

“The Increase of E-Commerce in the Pandemic Period Revealed the Importance of Transportation”

Stating that there are very serious companies that have proven themselves throughout Turkey in terms of transportation in Ankara, Şahin stated that they are in constant contact with these companies. Speaking about the effect of the pandemic period on companies, Şahin finally said that: “We saw that everything gained more value in this period. The increase of e-commerce during the pandemic period revealed the importance of transportation. Because these products have to be shipped to a place continuously and the shipped products have to reach the final consumer. In this sense, it contributed a lot to transportation and enabled the growth of the sector. Our companies operating both domestically and abroad have grown at this rate. An export of 225 billion dollars was made in Turkey. This is the point where Turkey says, “We are in this business too”. Our only aim and goal in this growth is; How can we serve our companies, which products are suitable for us, and how can we continue our cooperation.”

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