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Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

Pozkrone: Successful as a Krone partner in Poland for 30 years

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alp özler, yılnak,
30 Ocak 2019 Çarşamba - 12:30

Kögel Trucker Tippers Tailored To Driver Requirements

The Kögel bauma highlight for 2019 is the Kögel Trucker Tipper (KTT). Like its namesake, the Kögel Trucker Trailer (KTT), the Kögel Trucker Tipper is tailored perfectly to the requirements of the driver. A high degree of user-friendliness in day-to-day use and an increased payload are the main focus of this model. You can see the KTT at bauma 2019 at the Humbaur/Kögel shared stand 928/1 in the outdoor area from 8 to 14 April.

Kögel Trucker Tippers  Tailored To Driver Requirements

The starting point for the KTT was the payload and weight-optimised frame and body and a tipper trough incorporating a clever mix of materials. The 3-axle tipper trailer with 24 m³ loading volume exhibited at the bauma 2019 will display the variant with a four-millimetre-thick floor, made of tempered Hardox 450 steel, side walls, made of a highly wear-resistant, five-millimetre-thick aluminium sheet, as well as a back wall, made of a highly wear-resistant, seven-millimetre-thick aluminium sheet. This combination is ideal for construction materials like crushed rock or gravel. Compared to a Kögel tipper trailer with four-millimetre-thick steel side walls and a four-millimetre-thick steel back wall, the new aluminium side walls and back wall enable a saving of up to 430 kilograms in tare weight.

When designing the Kögel Trucker Tipper, the company focussed on achieving maximum user-friendliness through a combination of parts fitted as standard and an extensive range of accessory equipment. For example, the wheelbase of the Kögel Trucker Tipper has been optimised so that the load is distributed as effectively as possible, resulting in better driving and manoeuvring characteristics, as well as increased stability while tipping on difficult terrain. In addition, the tipper body overhang of the tipper trailers has been extended by 170 millimetres. An optionally attachable chute is therefore no longer necessary, which will not only save money, but also weight. The optional angular plate on the underride guard and locking device, which can be swung upwards, combine to prevent soiling during tipping. The locking catches automatically retract into the rear end during unloading, protecting them from soiling and damage. In addition, this tailgate lock ensures that loose stones cannot get in the way during closing and allows the side walls to join smoothly with the rear wall gate.

The version of the Kögel Trucker Tipper on display will be fitted with the optional Kögel LUXIMA multi-chamber LED tail light with integrated rear monitoring, which took third place at the international "Trailer Innovation 2017" awards. To save space, the rear monitoring sensors are installed in the Kögel LUXIMA LED multi-chamber rear lights and the licence plate holder. This dispenses with the need for additional installation space at the rear of the trailer.

The Kögel Trucker Tipper can also be fitted with the optional powered SAF TRAK axle as a traction support on steep inclines and difficult terrain. Two hydraulic radial piston motors located in the wheel hubs of the powered trailer axle provide the Kögel tipper trailer with a powerful extra boost. The drive system uses the hydraulic pressure generated by the tractor unit to raise the tipper.

Other individual equipment at the trade show exhibit

The Kögel Trucker Tipper is fitted with lightweight equipment, such as aluminium rims and aluminium air tanks, to achieve the highest possible payload. The exhibit at the bauma 2019 trade show features special equipment, such as a toolbox, a control pedestal, a roll-up cover, a lift axle and flashing side marker lights to increase traffic safety and prevent accidents when turning, and much more.

Cathodic dip-paint coating: lasting protection from corrosion

Nano ceramic technology and cathodic dip-paint coating together with a coat of UV varnish provide the entire frame and tipper body of the Kögel Trucker Tipper with long-term corrosion protection.

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