"We have already laid the foundation for this production offensive with the introduction of automatic component production in Herzlake. Our swap body systems and Dry Liners stand for high product quality combined with numerous innovative load securing solutions and are therefore in high demand on the market, as evidenced, for example, by our market share of around 70 % for swap bodies. In addition, there is a significant increase in demand, which is also generated by the booming online trade," Brüggen continued.
In addition to the massive increase in production, this is also associated with an investment offensive. As part of the extensive automation implementation and the associated robot production systems, the entire product range is being revised. This is particularly important in order not only to further increase quality, but also to further increase customer benefits.
Küfür, hakaret içeren; dil, din, ırk ayrımı yapan; yasalara aykırı ifade ve beyanda bulunan ve tamamı büyük harflerle yazılan yorumlar yayınlanmayacaktır. Neleri kabul ediyorum: IP adresimin kaydedileceğini, adli makamlarca istenmesi durumunda ip adresimin yetkililerle paylaşılacağını, yazılan yorumların sorumluluğunun tarafıma ait olduğunu, yazımın, yetkililerce, fikrim sorulmaksızın yayından kaldırılabileceğini bu siteye girdiğim andan itibaren kabul etmiş sayılırım. |