This means that Krone now offers a vehicle that has been specially tailored to the requirements of Danish transport companies. This is because in Denmark, a truck with a total of seven axles can have a total weight of 56 tonnes. The Profi Liner with four axles may have a total weight of 30 tons; each axle carries 7.5 tons here. In contrast, an identical, loaded trailer with three axles may weigh a maximum of 24 tonnes in Denmark.
Thanks to the higher payload of the Profi Liner 4-axle, customer demand in Denmark is correspondingly high, reports Uffe Steffensen, Krone Scandinavian Key Account. "In recent years, we have received more and more enquiries regarding a 4-axle vehicle, both from Danish key accounts and individual customers. So we have decided to include the Profi Liner 4-axle vehicle in our product portfolio. We install the additional axle at our subsidiary in Padborg and then arrange for vehicle approval. The response proves us right. The first ten units have already been sold and are now in use with special approval in Denmark".
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