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5 Şubat 2022 Cumartesi - 17:42

Mert Özenç, Voith General Manager, We Rely On The Efficiency And High Performance Of Our New Products

Within the scope of our City File, we are talking with Voith General Manager Mert Özenç and Voith Sales Manager Onur Yenihan about the evaluations and new plans of Voith, which serves its customers from Ankara with its Turbo and Hydro departments, for 2021. We hear from Mert Özenç and Onur Yenihan that Voith, which carried out the first applications and tests of its new products last year, also wants to be in the truck market. Details are here…

Mert Özenç, Voith General Manager,  We Rely On The Efficiency And High Performance Of Our New Products


Voith Sales Manager Onur Yenihan,



Voith General Manager Mert Özenç states that despite the 65% increase in production in the truck tractor group compared to the previous year, the production in the bus has decreased by approximately 30%, and that in 2021, Voith Turbo Turkey has reached a retarder market volume of 25 million Euros. Özenç: “Although bus production has decreased compared to last year, our automatic urban transmission market volume was 7 million euros in 2021. This shows that the number of coach production is more effective in the shrinkage in the bus. The number of urban public transport buses is generally stable.”

“We Trust the Efficiency and High Performance of Our New Products”

Commenting on the previous year, Özenç also points out that in 2021, they carried out the first applications and tests of full electric drive systems for buses and trucks, Voith Electric Drive System (VEDS) and Mild Hybrid transmission DIWA.NXT in the field of E-Mobility. Özenç continues his speech by saying that; “As we have claimed before, we have demonstrated in practice how efficient our products are and how they meet expectations. We believe that we have made a successful start with VEDS in the 12-meter and 18-meter group electric vehicle 'E-KENT C' family of Otokar Defend Industry Trade Inc., and the user comments support this. With our E-Mobility products, we now look to the future in a greener and more confident way. We are confident in the efficiency and high performance of our new products and we are very, very ambitious.”

“We Watched with Great Pride the Fruit of the Technical Studies We Carried Out with Ford Otosan”

Pointing out that another important and proud development for Voit last year was to take part in Ford Otosan's domestic transmission project with hydraulic retarders, Özenç said that; “I would like to take this opportunity to wish the Ford Otosan family and all of our country, especially the Ford Otosan family, good luck with this domestic transmission. In summary, I can say that 2021 was a good year for us.”

“We Aim To Implement The Maximum Number Of New Applications That We Can Do”

Stating that 2022 is a year in which they actively promote new products, especially in the field of E-Mobility, and that they aim to reach all manufacturers and end users, Voith Sales Manager Onur Yenihan said that; “We aim to implement as many new applications as we can. Our priority is to start mass production with our VEDS product and complete the validation studies of DIWA.NXT. Sales and after-sales satisfaction of our current retarder and automatic transmission customers is more important to us than anything else.”

“We Want to Take Part in the Truck Market”

Stating that they can adapt hydraulic retarder models to transmissions of different models, as in the case of Ford Otosan domestic transmission, Yenihan emphasizes that they have several projects they are currently carrying out. Yenihan said that; "Likewise, we are currently developing a gearbox suitable for our VEDS product, which we use as a direct drive (without gearbox) in buses, and we want to be in the truck market. These issues are a bit special right now and will be announced when the time comes.”

“It Is Proud For Us To Produce Gearboxes In Our Country”

Emphasizing that they are proud of the production of gearboxes in Turkey, Yenihan said that; “Designing and manufacturing gearboxes is a very complex job that requires a great deal of engineering knowledge. It makes us proud that our country has this competence. Different types and principle of transmissions are required for different applications. Domestically produced gearboxes in our country are currently of the type that will serve mostly heavy commercial areas. Our automatic transmission DIWA, on the other hand, is a specific transmission for city public transport buses only. Therefore, we will not be directly competing, but even if we were, we would not be bothered by it, on the contrary, we would be happy.”

 “There Was No Grievance We Reflected On Our Producers”

Finally, Yenihan, who made evaluations about the effects of the raw material and chip crisis in the sector, states that there are some problems in the supply and production of electronic parts. Yenihan said that; “However, we did not reflect any grievances to our manufacturers in the final product deliveries, and we hope that there will not be.”

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